MovieChat Forums > Crimen ferpecto (2004) Discussion > They should remake this with Vince Vaugh...

They should remake this with Vince Vaughn in the lead

I really liked this movie, the first half anyway. I thought they made a few mistakes in the second, but I was still happy with it.

But I couldn't help thinking how the lead role would be perfect for Vince Vaughn. It's tailor made for him. The guy who played the lead was good, but Vaughn would hit it out of the park.

I would love to see someone buy the rights and remake it for American audiences.

This is one of the few European films I've seen in the last year or two that I thought was any good. Keep an eye on the writer/director. He's got the chops to be great. I wonder if he's influenced by American films since his style felt much more Hollywood than European.


VV's a tool. Forget that!


now that you mention so, vince would fit perfectly in the leading role. the boss could be robert de niro and the ugly woman could be mmmm, nope, no idea, what do you think about the leading female?


Americans should not make remakes so much and stick more to original stuff, lest they lose all of their originality... Granted, some of the remakes they've made have fared quite well.


Good idea but it wouldn't have the same feel as an american film, VV in the lead maybe and as for an ugly female lead don't know not to many actresses are ugly enough for this role,but i would make it a inter racial thing just because it would be more interesting as they would be very opposite


They will find a suitable actress and then apply (or remove) all the makeup for her to look ugly. There are so many people auditioning that I am sure a perfectly suitable actress will be found.


No offence, but I really hope not - part of why I like this movie is because it's in Spanish. I really don't understand why a perfectly enjoyable movie needs to be remade (and 'because it has subtitles' is an argument that doesn't hold much sway).

Noone can make you feel inferior without your consent


I wasn't really rooting for a remake anyway, as I've seen several remakes which — while okay on their own — don't really match the original.
