Absolutely boring

Well, first I'll introduce myself, I am spanish and I've seen the movie the day of the releasing (really dissapointed me, feeling so stupid after spent 6 euros on 2+ hour of boredom) and I've read 4 of the books of Alatriste by Arturo Pérez Reverte, one of my favourite writers (check his latest book, "El pintor de batallas", it's really good). So expect faults in my english, excuse me.

You have to be very careful when making a movie from a book (or 5), because although both cinema and literature both explain stories, they use very different ways to explain them. I've seen other movies that do the same mistake, instead of considering the power of the story given by the books and do some adjustments, they use the book as script for the movie.

And when you have 5 books, the movie becomes a mixing of unconnected scenes with too much action in them, that doesn't let the spectator to live with the characters what's going on in the screen. You ask yourself too much times (What the hell is happening now?).

It's a fast movie, it does happen a lot of things, but at the same time it's slow, because it's boring (you will wish the movie to end, and it will seem to you it never does) . It feels like a 5 hours movie being cutted to be "only" about 2 hours.

Viggo Mortensen acts very well, although his spanish is, let me put the definition of my sister when she heard his voice for the first time, "He has voice of a mental retarded person". I never heard the voice of Viggo when acting in English, but I suppose it's better than the spanish one. I suppose if you don't see the movie in original version that won't be a problem, but in the cinema his first words make the people in the cinema laugh and make some comments. Later as you are more familiar to his voice, it doesn't become a big problem, but I think the movie will improve if someone had dubbed him.

Actors are good all, great Javier Cámara, Ariadna Gil, Elena Anaya, Juan Echanove, Unax Ugalde (the best in my opinion), Blanca Portillo (although it doesnt seem a man, maybe I've seen her too much times in TV), Eduardo Noriega too. The problem isn't there, as it isn't in all the work to bring to life all the 17th century Spain, the movie is well done here.

The problem is in the script, bad adaptation of the books, bad in the pre-production. Bad in puzzling all the scenes that has been filmed, or that had to be filmed in some other ways, to use the power the cinema has.

Final result is boring, endless, confusing, and ridicolous at the end of the movie. When the final titles displayed I felt like being stupid of being there.


Not much to add.
I saw the film last saturday and I agree almost word for word with what you said.
If this film is bad enough as it is imagine watching it at 1 am. That's what I did. lol.
The setting was great: The locations, the clothes... but just about the only good thing about the movie.
I haven't read the books and many times I found difficult to know what was going on. Besides that, it seems they haven't been able to make a consistent script from the books. The movie feels like a bunch of disconnected scenes.




I don't.

I agree it's not funny to watch, but a lot of movies aren't funny (Specially historic movies) but they still being great movies. I think is a very good movie, great acting, beautiful...I agree with the fact that the plot is not so good, the movie sometimes looks unconnected.

Anyway, absolutely worthy to see!








No, it is not. It is not boring or ridiculus or awful or a waste of time. Ok, the plot is not well handled most of the time, but that doesn't make a movie boring. There are adventures, battles, drama, political intrigue etc. and the cast is great, so I cannot see anything boring in it. And why is the ending ridiculous? Can anybody explain to me why is it ridiculous?
I didn't love it, but this 'absolutely boring' thing is very unfair.



Pienso que el principal problema de una película como ALATRISTE es el hecho de que las novelas de Pérez-Reverte están escritas siguiendo un estilo tan fílmico y dinámico como cualquier buena novela de aventuras, y gran parte de los lectores teníamos un modelo ideal de escenas que esperábamos ver "trasladadas" a la pantalla.
Desafortunadamente, Díaz Yanez ha perdido una cantidad de recursos y tiempo en tratar de satisfacer a todo el mundo. No debió hacer una mezcla de cinco libros en un solo filme, y tal vez lo sabía, pero demonios, tienes 25 millones de dólares y a Viggo Mortensen, y la novela más vendida de los últimos años, y quiso darse un gusto.
Cuando al fin se siente en la libertad de no adaptar, y deja de seguir al pie de la letra las novelas, la trama comienza a tomar cuerpo. Y Rocroi es un excelente cierre de película, mostrando en hipérbole la debilidad del último tercio de Cartagena. Muy probablemente la batalla no haya sido así, pero queda clara la sensación (que DEBE ser gráfica, pues estamos ante un trabajo plástico) de fragilidad y
Vuelta a decirlo, el cine tiene sus propios códigos; y la literatura, los suyos.Para quien deba adaptar, primero aprenda las diferencias entre ambos y luego haga el intento de transponer.



pues se carcajearían en tu sala de cine, desde luego no había nadie riendo en la mía. es cierto que deberían haber utilizado más extras, pero lo importante no eran los extras precisamente! O es que te pareció mal cómo Viggo caía bajo el peso del francés y no tenía fuerzas para levantarse? o cómo se ponía en primera línea mientras cargaban los franceses? quizá el grito final no fue muy acertado, pero desde luego fue un bonito final.



no soy multinick, piensas que esta película sl le ha gustado a una persona que se dedica a cambiar de nombre? a mí esta peli me la sopla, pero cuando veo gente como tú escribiendo chorradas (algunas perlas como la gordaza de los hombres de paco, el tarado viggo rumano, el patético gitano eduard fernández... pero de qué coño vas tú?)pues tengo que contestar. no necesito cambiar de nombre para escribir lo que me da la gana. supongo que te daría mucha pena perder tu dinero con esta peli, entonces pq pierdes el tiempo comentando sobre ella?



El problema de la voz de Mortensen es que es muy mal actor y no ha sabido imitar el acento castellano,hay infinidad de ejemplos de actores y actrices espanoles y latinoamericanos que cambian su acento de una manera u otra,por ejemplo:Natalia Verbeque,Juan Diego Botto,Leonardo Sbaraglia y el ejemplo que a mi mas me ha convencido hasta ahora de un actor latino cambiando su acento al castellano fue la interpretacion de Gael Garcia Bernal en La mala educacion de Almodovar,me imagino que todos mas o menos sabeis que Viggo se educo en S.America y habla un castellano perfecto con acento argentino,por eso comento al principio lo de que es mal actor,Viggo llena la pantalla con su cara que nadie duda que es fotogenica donde las haya pero a la hora de interpretar se queda bastante corto,el comentario que haces de que mejor que lo huviesen doblado yo no estoy de acuerdo,principalmente porque lo de doblar las voces de los actores me parece un verdadero crimen,puesto que se le quita el alma a los personajes y a la interpretacion,el problema ha sido simplemente elegir a Viggo ya que si no ha sido capaz de copiar el acento castellano siendo el mismo un castellano hablante demuestra que como actor deja bastante que desear,por otro lado Agustin Diaz Yanes debe de ser poco o nada perfeccionista cuando ha dejado que se distribuya la pelicula con un defecto tan garrafal como es la voz chirriante de Viggo interpretando a Alatriste.




Primero que todo, cálmate chomona aqui no estamos hablando del castellano de los latinos ni de los españoles ni nada racista como tu lo estas haciendo, o será que te crees muy inteligente con esa clase de comentarios de retrasada mental.

La respuesta es tan simple como la dijo alguien anteriormente, Viggo es un muy mal actor y es pésimo imitando acentos. A veces parecía que era una argentino tratando de hablar como un español y otras veces como un gringo intentando hablar argentino. La pelicula parecia un collage de escenas de los libros, nada parecía conectarse con nada, y el final si estuvo malo.

El director tenía todo el material para hacer una obra maestra y no lo hizo: actores de primera, un best seller, viggo.

Esperaba mucho más de la peli.

Colombiana a mucho honor!!





Damn I wish I had paid more attention in Spanish class then maybe I could understand those posts. Anyway I know this has been asked a billion times before but can someone tell me if when it comes out in the United States will it be in its original Spanish or will they dub it? I really hope they don't; I'd like to see it in Spanish, I don't mind reading for a few hours if I have to. Thanks!

Far Away, Long Ago. . .


It was shown with subtitles at the Toronto Film Festival and all indications are that this is how it will be shown in other non-Spanish speaking countries.

I agree that dubbing would be a big mistake.

Flattery will convince me of your discerning taste.


Hey thanks Hermione!!

Far Away, Long Ago. . .


I'm quite surprised this question keeps coming up, even from people in English-speaking countries. I have never heard of a single Spanish film dubbed into English. Has anyone ever seen one? How many films get dubbed into English from any language at all? Probably only cartoons and kungfu movies.

Now, having said that, I think that the confusion might come from Pérez-Reverte and others saying that they wouldn't allow dubbing in ANY language, not even the ones that routinely dub Spanish films, because they say that the language is so important in this film. But - if the words are going to have to be translated anyway for subtitling, what's the problem with dubbing, if it's a habit in that country? What's never going to happen is that foreign audiences will have to understand the film in Spanish.



Rogornmoradan: It is true that there are very few films dubbed into English, but you shouldn't be so surprised of their existence, because actually there are some, even if you haven't heard about them. "El arte de morir", for instance...

Samantha: The situation you are imagining with a dubbing industry trying to do things to a standard already exists. In Spain, that is how things work, because every foreign film is shown dubbed in the cinemas. There are several dubbing studios with really great dubbing actors who sometimes improve the original performances of the original actors. They also make botched jobs sometimes, but what can I say? Hollywood is supposed to be the heart of the film industry and the also make zillions of embarrasing films...


That was what I was asking, Dan. I spend long periods in England, and I have never seen a Spanish film dubbed into English, be it in the cinema or on TV. They're always shown with subtitles. But I can't be 100 per cent sure that some film somewhere in some corner of the world hasn't been.

And if 'El arte de morir' has in fact been dubbed, that confirms the theory about what type of films get dubbed into English, hehe.





"Dear Friend,

Thank you for your support for ALATRISTE. The film definitely will be released in the US in 2007 - no worries. I am working to get the best distributor on board. We have plans to dub the film as well.

Best regards


Many thanks to Zooey and Bonnie who got this response from Etchie Stroh in the Alatriste release

Found this quoted email on Viggo-Works stating that this particular Spanish language film will be dubbed for release in the US. I am not happy about it since I was looking forward to listening to the movie in Spanish, though I am unable to understand it.





Viggo Mortensen is half Danish and he can speak five languages--six if you count Spanish alongside Argentinian Spanish ;D. I would gladly listen to Viggo speak any one of them!

I'm glad Arturo Perez-Reverte stuck to his guns and allowed Viggo to take the part of 'Alatriste.Viggo is a professional and I, for one, can't wait to see this film.Mr. Reverte was so impressed with Viggo's performance--and by the man himself--that Viggo's own mannerisms as 'Alatriste' will be incorporated into future books.

I just HAVE to learn Spanish!!!



I think that because Viggo is half Danish other Scandinavian languages may be easier for him to learn.I work with a Polish woman and a Slovenian man and they can communicate easily enough.Plus, Viggo probably sounds attractive in any language :D

I read the other day that Charleze Theron can speak 28 languages! Now that is amazing.



I think Ms Theron was maybe talking of the different languages she came across while growing up in South Africa.Two of my friends are from Malawi and they say that there are so many varying dialects and languages in Africa that they've forgotten a lot of their own language! They do speak other African languages, too, and that is quite common.


Most people in the US don't even meet someone who speaks another language until we go off to college IF then. That is why it is such a big deal here. I am still mad at my father who spoke German but refused to teach us because we were "Americans" and didn't need to learn another language. (He was born in 1923 so cut him some slack. He didn't know globalization was coming...)


<<He didn't know globalization was coming...>>

LOL, and who did?

Well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?


Dijeron que Mortensen había hecho todo lo posible para evitar el acento argentino que tenía. Pero lo que consiguió fue poner un acento extranjero en un hombre madrileño. Creo que deberían haberle puesto al mismo que le dobló en EL SEÑOR DE LOS ANILLOS.


i thought it was decent and i liked the vibes. alittle boring at times
Viggo gave a good performance all round and i enjoyed the combat



Viggo Mortensen was very good.
80% of the movie is very boring
5/10 only for Viggo Mortensen


Several posters when the film came out said that VM used a very good Leonese accent, and they were from Leon. It is about as far from his natural Argentinian accent as one could get, and it does sound different from the Madrid accents of most of the other actors.

But Spanish viewers seem as unable to differentiate accents in Spanish as Americans are in English. There were comments about his "Argentinian" accent. Even with my poor command of Spanish I could tell it wasn't that. Accents seem to be something that some people just can't hear, though unfortunately they are often convinced that they can. It comes up on film after film, in whatever language.











Im pretty sure you have to hear a language for a long time to actually hear the accents.
The only accents i would understand are the english ones.
I was around lots of Spanish people for 2years and never could make out a difference in their accent at all, yet they were from very different places.
Also spanish is spoken very very fast which makes it a lot harder






Isn't it wonderful, Sam, how you always have an expert who backs up you opinions about Viggo Mortensen's prowess on just about everything under the sun? A VM-lookalike, actor husband who thinks Viggo Mortensen has the best acting technique since acting was invented? A brother who lives in Philadelphia and is an expert on Philadelphia accents? An instructor and Spanish-speaking friends who back up your expertise on languages you don't really know very well? My, how fortunate you are, eh? I'm sure if you engaged in discussion about Mr. M's fencing, you'd have a neighbor who happened to be a world expert in sword-fighting too huh?

PS - Let's see: can we now add a nephew who's an "expert" on graphic novels to the long-list of other experts at your fingertips

Of course, a nephew with a synoptic grasp of graphic novels! Why didn't samantha think of it earlier? It would have come in handy during her many long and drawn-out battles on the HOV board. I would get a chuckle out of reading this nephew-is-a-graphic-novel-expert post myself if you happen to know where I can find it.

Samantha, as you've noticed, has a bizarre personality tic (which some posters have chalked up to "narcissistic personality disorder" and "neuroses"): whenever posters criticize Viggo in any way, she will, without fail, accuse them of being children.

Nevertheless, Reuters New Agency, (not renowned for hiring child labor) says this about Viggo's accent in Alatriste:

Mortensen's Spanish is fluent and distinctly Argentine after living in that country as a child. The role saw him grappling with a Castillian accent, which sometimes flounders





MY goodness, how excited you two get

Calm down, samantha. You're the only one getting overheated here.

Or knows the first thing about linguistics

How would you know? And while we're on the subject, do you know the first thing about linguistics? I'll bet I can do as persuasive an imitation of Edward Sapir as you can, though you are the compulsive poseur here, the narcissist who craves respect for the expert knowledge she only pretends to have. How do I know this? Because you play the same silly game on every board.

in your deprived lives.

You, a self-professed "grown-up", worship at the shrine of Viggo, slavering day after day over him and his films, and you're calling my life deprived?







Not just my opinion, but that of my nephew, who is something of an expert (he's read an awful lot of them) -- and a few other people

Thanks for tracking it down.

Who do you figure the "few other people" will turn out to be? Any guesses? Right now their status seems to be TBD.

I did find it amusing and thought that Samantha was adding yet another to her already full stable of "experts" who always seem to confirm that everything Viggo Mortensen does in his films is absolutely genuine and the epitome of perfection!

This must be what samantha means when she repeatedly reminds everyone (or is it just herself?) "I'm all grown up." To most everyone else however, her posts more closely resemble that of someone afflicted with OFD:

Obsessive Fangirl Disorder

Symptoms of OFD include difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, irritability, humorlessness, and a chronic inability to own up to the mostly bad reception this film received from professional critics.

Still no word from samantha on whether or not she (or her Viggo-look-alike "husband" http://chocolatefantasies.com/inflatable-Hunk-FN.jpg) thinks that Reuters reviewer is a kid or not. Of course it's not just the Reuters reviewer; the critic for Variety also noted that Viggo's Spanish was "Latin-American inflected."

And they have seen the movie.



Nice going Harley :D
You probably know already that its obsolete trying to argue with samantha,because in her world shes allways right.
Even in a thread about spanish accents.
It would be the same in a thread about a nuclear powerplant built by viggo mortensen or a time machine using a flux capacitor.

And samantha the only one being fanatic is you.
You are as addicted to viggo mortensen as a star trek fan who speaks klingon.




Oh, wp, your jealousy is so obvious! You want to give VM his sensuality lessons yourself, and you hate it that we murmur in Spanish while we Do It. It's your secret fantasy invaded -- as you have made plain on many occasions and many boards. I'm sorry VM prefers me to you, but there it is. He doesn't care for bourgeois ladies with anti-intellectual attitudes,and silly politics, who proudly declare themselves stupid,as you do. He prefers women who think and can discuss ideas. And swordsmanship. And 17th-century Spanish history. Sorry, but you just can't qualify.

If you had seen this film, you would realize that he will never be yours, in any case. Your hair is the wrong color.



Now, wp, jealousy just doesn't become you. And it makes you even less articulate than usual.


Hmm, yes I'm sure you know him intimately and have a psychic connection to him. In fact, he's really your life partner only he hasn't realized it yet

Some users on the HOV board used to joke about Viggo having a favorite chair in samantha's living room. A special empty one she reserves specially for him, when her "husband" isn't sitting in it.

Her preference for fantasy land - and her stubborn refusal to give up on untenable positions - reminds me of an old psychiatrist's joke.

A novice psychiatrist was seeing his first patient at the mental hospital. When the patient entered and was seated, the psychiatrist asked him why he was in the hospital. The patient answered, "Because I’m dead."
The psychiatrist inquired, "But if you are dead, what are you doing here?"
"Darned if I know. I came home from work this day, I knew I was dead and I told my family to bury me. Instead they brought me here."
"That’s strange, but tell me, do dead people breathe?"
"No, dead people don’t breathe."
"Well, you’re breathing. How do you explain that?"
"I really can’t. You explain it."
"Do dead people eat?"
"No, dead people don’t eat."
"Well, coming past the dining hall, I just saw you sitting there eating. How do you explain that?"
"You’re the doctor. If you know, why don’t you tell me?"
So the discussion went. The psychiatrist was about to give up when suddenly he had one of those illuminating ideas. He leaned over and asked the patient, "Tell me, do dead people bleed?”
"No, dead people don’t bleed," replied the patient.
At this point the psychiatrist reached into his desk, took out a long hypodermic needle and jabbed it into the patient's calf. As he watched the blood run down the patient’s leg, the psychiatrist sat back and waited for the patient to admit defeat. The patient looked down at his bleeding calf, looked up, scratched his head and proclaimed, by golly! Dead people do bleed!”

Likewise, samantha is more of an authority on Viggo's Spanish accent than the Spanish posters here, or you, although you're fluent and she isn't. No sense trying to be rational about it, wplains.




because in her world shes allways right.

It sure looks that way, but samantha does learn from previous defeats, sort of. She just doesn't let on. Instead, she bides her time before passing off what she learns from her "adversaries" as her own thoughts.

She has also honed her ad hominem "game" over the years. One of her favorite insidious tactics is to deflect a poster's argument about a film, director, actor etc by getting condescending and personal and then doubling back and accusing the very same poster of going off topic. If the only legitimate topic of conversation on an IMDb board is "films and filmmakers" as samantha claims, then her cheap potshots about the age and maturity of other posters is out of line. Imagine samantha doing the same with the professional critics who also pointed out the problems with Mortensen's accent in Alatriste. It's ludicrous.

Hypocrite that she is, samantha has no right to lecture you about off-topic posts (especially when your post wasn't OT.) She herself has posted numerous off-topic threads, not merely posts, in the past. For example, on a fine, sunny Saturday afternoon just last week, when other people were out enjoying the weather, stay-at-home samantha found time to compose yet another in a series of childish fantasy threads that have nothing whatsoever to do with Viggo himself. (See below). Poor fangirl. No one else joined in, except to complain that it was OT. It wasn't until the following day that her "best bud" catpetal replied in the same immature vein, complete with thinly veiled, personal digs at other posters.

Regardless of what samantha says, it is never OT to discuss another poster's bad board etiquette and to call for them to change their ways.

It may not have too much effect, but you're well within your rights to do so.

This is just one example among hundreds of samantha's embarrassing exercises in off-topic fantasizing.

To: David auteursinpar

From: Gratefultobesecondbananaagain

You have no idea how restful this shoot was for me. Not once was I the only naked person in a room full of thugs and techs and cameras. Why, I didn’t even have to get the girl. You know how Ariadna dislikes it when it isn’t she. She sends her thanks. Especially since I came out unbruised for once. I won't translate what she had to say about the beard. Kinder not to, I thought.

Sorry the fantasy sequences didn’t work out. I told you they wouldn’t be right with the beard…and all.

Thinking of you all, sweating (except you, David) in those Edwardian clothes in Vienna and wherever else you have decided will look sufficiently authentic. I haven’t had shoes on since I got off the plane. Barely had pants on.

Anastasia sends love – and a packet of slightly squashed ants is coming by mail, a special gift for her Uncle David. I know you will be kind about those.

Delilah is busy somewhere outside Moscow in a dacha with Boris. I don’t ask what they are doing there, especially since there is a heat wave in Moscow. An ant infestation, maybe?

Let me hear from you.

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001557/board/thread/167511679?d=167511679&; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;p=1#167511679


Still in your head, I see, Harley. Meaning that I still own you. Just think of all the moments of your existence that are used up thinking and obsessing about me. And every moment brings you closer to your death, with all this time wasted on silliness and obsession. Poor baby.

I never read beyond the first line of your posts, so I have free time to contemplate the more beautiful things of life. And chuckle over the obsessions of poor schmucks like you. My obsessions, OTOH, are beautiful and give me pleasure.


Another on-topic post, samantha?

I never read beyond the first line of your posts

In point of fact you always claimed that you had me on ignore. Neither statement is true.

Now that you've abandoned that ruse, suppose you tell me the month and year that "hacking incident" took place?

Meaning that I still own you

All you own are cats. Lots of them. No spouse, no kids. And empty sexual fantasies about a man you'll never know, in the "biblical sense" or any other way.

And every moment brings you closer to your death

Everyone's hurtling toward death, samantha, some of us married with kids, and others of us entirely lonely and alone, dependent on fan sites for company.

All trolls use the standard retort "I own you" to shake off those who regularly stand up to their bad board etiquette.

It's a weak, ineffectual ploy. Hasn't worked in the past. Won't work now.

Feeling anguished by my posts? Either put me on ignore or clean up your act.

The choice is yours.



See? I'm in your obsessed little head -- the one that broke the law by destroying a site's database looking for me -- and got caught. Do you miss the $10,000 it cost you

If you can make up the dollar figure, surely you can make up the date and month too? Seems you're having a little trouble with that at the moment.

the time you spend is lost

Not at all, Jean. I enjoy making your narcissistic and cowardly game of taunting young people and other civilized posters a little less fun. I have kids and I wouldn't want you to do to them what you do to others. True, the time I spend here pales in comparison with the hundreds of hours you log in fighting with others and fantasizing about Viggo (is this what "mature adults" do for fun?), but boy is it ever fun watching you squirm and make enemies on every board you frequent.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Nice guy? You're right about that. No one complains about my posts besides you and your immature fangirl friend catpetal.



Why don't you ask your "Viggo look-alike husband" if he remembers the date and year of the alleged hacking?

Jean, you're a terrible liar. But you do seem to write as you talk. No wonder you have to spend all your time online.



Gotcha-- you know that ascribing a month and a year to your infantile tale would bring it down to earth, and even a serial fabricator like you knows when to stop. Sort of.

Don't worry. No need to bother your "husband" over this.


Funny that you should mention wits, when you were soundly and repeatedly humiliated on the HOV board for your inability to do anything but regurgitate movie reviews and plot points. That must have hurt. For all the posts you've written over there, not ONE of them is an OP containing your original analysis and interpretation. Not one of them relates themes in HOV to those explored in other movies by David Cronenberg. Only the posters you envy are regularly praised for their insights. Never you.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, eh?

Not only are you a pathetic excuse for an adult, you're a rather dimwitted one as well. Most intelligent adults are adept at abstract thinking by the time they reach college.

At this point you might as well give up the pretense, silly girl.



God Harley that was absolutely hilarious! Started my day off with a huge laugh - thanks for that!

The pleasure was all mine!

I do actually speak four languages (English is not my native tongue) one of them being Spanish.

Very impressive!

It struck me as hilariously funny that someone who admits to "poor Spanish language skills" is saying all the Spanish posters are wrong when they are talking about an accent in their own language. Of course, Samantha says they are just incapable of differentiating one accent from the other - but, she is of course, even though she doesn't really speak the language!

Hope you enjoy the psychiatrist joke I posted for you a bit earlier.

There, Samantha just can't bear not to be seen as the Ultimate Authority on All-Things-Viggo - God knows we get enough lectures from her on all of VM's film boards

I feel your pain.




Agree. 'Alatriste' is Boring as hell. Almost painful to watch. Episodic and disjointed. If not for the gorgeous cinematography and some good performances (Blanca Portillo) this movie would haven't any single redeeming quality.



It's probably a computer that is doing the deleting. IMDb has words and phrases that seem to trigger automatic deletion. And at least one person on another board kept getting deleted because of something nobody could figure out. She never used any obvious triggers.

OTOH, they do delete people for reasons stated in their guidelines. Sometimes actual humans may get involved. Sometimes they delete a post after a complaint, but not often. Repeating a post several times will sometimes do it. One poster tried 17 times (his count) getting deleted each time, and finally the system threw him off for a few months.

I got deleted recently for the first time, and when I rephrased the comment the system left it. It was discussing a sex scene in a film, but with no triggers I could see. The replacement said the same thing, with equal discretion, and it's still there.

So -- who knows?



The poster behind the deletions on this thread is none other than samantha3. She gained notoriety on the A History of Violence and Eastern Promises boards for reporting any and all posts that annoyed her, whether they violated IMDb terms and conditions or not. If you're not convinced, just dig back into the older threads or send me a PM and I'll find some for you. Where Viggo Mortensen and his movies are concerned, her thin-skinned defensiveness knows no bounds.

It's probably a computer that is doing the deleting

This is false and samantha knows it because I explained IMDb policy and practices to her, complete with authoritative links, at some length not long ago.

IMDb has words and phrases that seem to trigger automatic deletion.

False. If you write the phrase "a *beep* in someone's armor," (a word that is also used as an epithet for Chinese) IMDb will automatically render the word "beep" (sight unseen) without deleting the post. See what I mean? IMDb administrators never initiate post deletions; they merely respond to the abuse reports of users. Due to the volume of these reports, which would overwhelm the staff if they read each complaint, most are processed automatically. Every once in awhile an administrator will read an abuse report and determine that it was frivolous or fraudulent. In such a case the user's subsequent abuse reports are ignored. Sometimes their accounts may be frozen; this actually happened a couple of years ago to samantha's friend catpetal, another zealot when it comes to defending all things Viggo.

One poster tried 17 times (his count) getting deleted each time, and finally the system threw him off for a few months.

What actually happened was that you and catpetal reported my post complaining about your board behavior 17 times. Either you gave up (it did look ridiculous when you kept insisting you had nothing to do with it) or both of you temporarily lost your reporting privileges. (I suspect the latter because catpetal admitted not long ago to reporting the post for "libel" against an anonymous user. ) The "system" didn't and couldn't have thrown me off, because that can only happen when an administrator is involved, and my posts didn't violate t&c.

What I should have done then, and always make a practice of now, is save the url of my posts. That way, if you get it deleted, I can use the url to file a complaint against you with the Help Desk. Considering all the ways you've harassed other users and repeatedly violated IMDb terms and conditions, I think it's high time you came to the attention of IMDb administrators.

I got deleted recently for the first time

Also false. You've had posts of yours deleted on quite a few occasions. At least two were clearly deleted for lewdness.

But for those of you who are reading this: don't take my word for it. Several long-time posters on the Viggo Mortensen board would be able to confirm much of what I have said about samantha's notoriety.



samantha, you just don't know how to quit, do you? Even after other posters on the VM board laughed at your outrageously tall tale. But then again, telling tall tales is what you seem to love most about posting on the VM board.

I reproduce a reply to catpetal which neither she nor samantha refuted.

Fuel to what fire?

The fire you two ignite when you insult others, engage in tag-team bullying and deny that board etiquette is a legitimate topic of discussion.

Post away, dear soul, all the hot air you like.

It only gets tossed off as “hot air” when one is helpless to refute the specifics. Consider what you have given up trying to defend:

(1) Samantha’s ludicrous allegation that she testified against me to the FBI for hacking into a Viggo Mortensen website! How quickly you two shied away from specifics on that one, and incidentally, shame on you, catpetal, for playing along with the hoax.

(2) Your transparently fake explanation for why your old IMDb account was frozen and needed reauthentication. Maybe you should pay more attention to reading IMDb warnings like these:
we take a very dim view of inaccurate reporting and will not hesitate to silently revoke reporting (and/or posting) privileges from users who are caught reporting posts that are not in violation of our guidelines.

(3) Your grounds for filing false abuse reports with administrators, including the vindictive reporting of even the most routine posts by people you considered “enemies.” Note what IMDb has to say about this:

I disagree with what user XYZ has posted. I want you to delete his post.
Disagreeing with someone else is not reason enough to delete a post. Please refer to our Abuse Report Policy. If you don't agree with someone, we suggest you add the user to your Ignore List.

All of a sudden I can't post anymore and I'm asked to authenticate my account. Why was my account blocked?
You probably did something wrong, which violated our Message Boards Terms & Conditions of Use.

That’s what happened to you in the summer of 2007, catpetal.

(4) Violations of AHOV board etiquette that you were repeatedly urged to correct.

(5) The common-enough phenomenon of samantha, and on occasion, even you, getting your offensive posts deleted on the AHOV board, notwithstanding samantha’s assertions to the contrary.

(6) Your laughable misunderstanding of libel and its application at IMDb.

(7) Samantha’s claim that IMDb administrators take the initiative in getting posts deleted. IMDb claims the opposite:

Our moderators do not actively read the boards looking for abusive posts -- this is not practical given the size of the site -- so they only take action against posts that are reported via the 'Report Abuse' feature.

I’m not the one running from trenchant criticism, you two are, with eggs on your faces. Anyone who looks back on our conversation will note that you only started ignoring me when I set you straight on the true meaning of libel and showed how ridiculous it is to claim that anonymous posters can “libel” each other.

Most amusing of all, samantha , inadvertently it seems, even used my argument against you.

Anyone who reads it must eventually realise that's what it is - your convoluted explanation of things that need no explanation.

I doubt it. Jcampy already confirmed what I wrote. But to dispense with all “hot air”, go ahead and post your explanation on the Help Board and see how long it holds up.

My offer still stands to anyone who believes they’ve had posts deleted by you and samantha. They can PM me for information on how to confirm their suspicions. They should also keep this handy:

If you are 100% positive that a post was incorrectly removed and that this due to abusive reporting, please let us know and include the exact URL to the deleted post. Please be aware that we can only investigate these cases if you provide a link to the deleted post and that we will not individually respond or follow up on these reports (but we will take action when needed).



I own you, parry. I don't need to delete your posts. I'm in your head

I'm delighted by this epiphany of yours. Not only have you just owned up to being a troll, but you've shed light on the underlying cause of your trolldom: the need to get inside someone's head, somewhere, if only in virtual space.

The post samantha and catpetal reported 17 times:

This is about you, samantha, not me. Had these boards been moderated as they were on that Viggo site you got kicked off of for bad behavior, you would have been gone long ago. You are the most reviled poster on this board and on Eastern Promises. Hundreds of posters have complained about you. It's a fact you can't deny, which is why you pretend to have me on ignore.

Your obsessive need to condescend to other posters is connected to your other neurosis: creating an alter ego on these boards who is happily married to a Viggo look-alike.

Like all true neurotics, you seek in fantasy a substitute satisfaction for what you have never found in reality. Fantasizing endlessly about Viggo and his movies and talking about a husband you don't have is part of it. Unfortunately, the other part is sadistic. Your immature narcissistic fantasy about being a person of great maturity and knowledge requires you to insult one poster after another. This only makes sense to a neurotic. To a well-adjusted adult, insulting other posters gratuitously and repeatedly, especially younger posters, is a sign of gross IMMATURITY.


Text of a post that you and/or catpetal improperly reported on the VM board. As administrators note, the abuse reporting feature is not to be used for reporting petty quarrels. If you don't like what someone has said about you, put them on ignore.

This is for those of you who don't swallow samantha3 stories hook, line and sinker, and particularly for those who suspect that she crossed the bounds of common decency long ago with her arrogant, abusive posts on the A History of Violence board. It sounds as if there may be more than a few of you on this board.

What actually happened was this.

I encountered samantha3 on the History of Violence board around August 2006. At that time the board was more active, and samantha was the subject of numerous complaints. Chief among them: her personal attacks - lists were even made of them - and her flagrant violation of IMDb terms and conditions by reporting posts to the administrators solely because they criticized (1) the movie (2) Viggo's acting (3) or some combination of the above. She and catpetal also violated IMDb board etiquette repeatedly by "deliberately hijacking a thread to discuss off-topic matters" whenever they felt that other posters were getting the better of an argument.

Several posters complained politely to her to no avail. It was then that I stepped in. I felt that if samantha was going to make a sadistic career out of mocking other posters, I was going to make it just a little less fun for her. Which I did, because she disappeared from the board for weeks after I began and returned, in true narcissist fashion, with the thread title "samantha is back."

Who is Jean? She is the fake name I was under when he hacked -- or I suspect had someone else do it -- into a fan website and destroyed the entire mailing list in an effort to find me

This story was one samantha concocted slowly and elaborated upon over weeks and months. Any of you who ever saw the Pathological Liar character Jon Lovitz created for SNL will get the idea.

Did I hack a website? Did I know or read anything by samantha before reading her posts on the AHOV board? Of course not. I simply looked at samantha's posting history at IMDb. At the time, the first thread was one she posted on the Ruby Cairo/ Deception board in late 2005. She identified herself in the text of the post as "Jean." Sometime later I looked up the movie at Amazon and lo and behold! I found a review written by one "Jean Bond" that sounded exactly like samantha. Thereafter I called her Jean. I figured that a coward who attacks people anonymously might feel more chastened and clean up her act if you called her by her real first name instead of a screenname.

That got him some FBI attention -- rare for such small fry, but it does happen -- a $10,000 fine and a six-month jail sentence --suspended, alas, for a first offense. I gave evidence, so I know what happened to him, and the FBI people told me some things to use to watch out if he ever does track me down in real life"

This, folks, is what's known as the Big Lie. If you're a narcissist, and you're using these boards to construct a fantasy persona, you might as well come up with the biggest and most appealing lie possible. That's right, you know the one. It's the samantha-is-being-avidly-and-dangerously-pursued-by-a-virile-male-who-might-assault-her-at-any-moment story. A sense of danger earns sympathy and encourages other board members to rally around.

Of course the truth is so much simpler, the humdrum but far more plausible account as I gave it.

and was thrown off after he posted the same huge screed attacking me (and others) 17 times. He kept count, and said he would keep doing it until someone stopped deleting it.

I didn't "attack others" but so far so good. The "someone" who was filing all the false abuse reports was samantha and catpetal. No one else was incensed by what I was saying about samantha. Many had come to similar conclusions about her some time ago.

IMDb took exception.

No, samantha and catpetal just gave up trying to get the post deleted.

I think admin may have been doing the deleting.

Written in a naive tone as if samantha isn't crystal clear about who was doing the abuse reporting. (Samantha and catpetal.) As for why the IMDb deleted my posts? They get so many of those that the vast majority of them are deleted automatically. But every so often they check. That ended up getting Catpetal1 in trouble back in the summer of 2007. She wound up having to set up a new account (the present catpetal-1) before she figured out how to reauthenticate the old one. Needless to say I never got into trouble because it's not against IMDb rules to complain about another poster's behavior on the boards as long as you don't use foul language or post the person's private information. (Anyone who wants proof has only to ask and I will repost the post they deleted 17 times for you right here. It's still on the Eastern Promises board.) I left for some time afterwards in part because I could no longer make the time but also because I lost interest and felt satisfied. Most people were already forewarned about samantha on the Eastern Promises board, the History of Violence board was no longer active, and that "infamous" post (which I reposted 17 times) stayed put.

for someone to go to such extremities just to get to the fascinating Sam!

That's the crux of it. Samantha figured out a way to turn a liability into an advantage: turn herself into a martyr and create a fantasy of her being desired. The classic narcissist fantasy.

It was a VM fan site he was convicted for messing up.

I think this is one of the weaker links in her story since I'm not interested in Viggo one way or another. (Do I sound like someone who gets off on bashing celebrities?) If this really happened, why doesn't she specify which site it was? Why doesn't she back up her story with testimonials from friends on that website?

Maybe you should ask her.

I don't even know how the FBI found out my connection -- perhaps he told them?

Ok, I have no idea what this means. Perhaps samantha could start by clarifying exactly what month and year this "hacking" incident took place. The problem with lies, though, is that the more specific you get, the greater the danger that the whole yarn will unravel. Samantha knows this better than anyone.

He pretends it never happened, but then I suppose he might.

Unless of course it didn't happen, in which case I wouldn't have to pretend.

. I hope while he was obsessed he at least didn't abuse someone in his real life

I wonder about you too, samantha. I wonder if you're as abrasive and arrogant in real life. I suspect you are, or close to it anyway. My guess is that you talk more or less like you write. Could that be one reason why you spend so much time online? Who in real life could actually put up with you? Maybe not even catpetal.

Sometimes things like that serve as safety valves, to keep people from beating their spouses or kicking the dog

Samantha should know. She apparently uses IMDb as a safety valve as well as a place she can create her ideal mature-and-married self. The self that wasn't hurt and left alone and ignored in real life.

He's a coward.

For what? For chastising her for her online sadism? It seems that many people even on this board accuse her of more or less the same thing. I'd say the real coward is someone who beats up on kids and other harmless types online for years on end.
I suspect you're just jealous because you don't have a serious cyberstalker.

Samantha's give-away sentence. It tells you why she went to such lengths to create such an elaborate story involving hacking and the FBI. She's a narcissist who uses the internet to concoct narcissistic fantasies no one can ever disprove. Before she invented the story about hacking she circulated a similar one on the History of Violence board. Although she was vague about it, she alleged that she was a victim of male violence and had to take martial arts classes (to ward off all those men who have committed the unpardonable sin of leaving her alone.)

To anyone who's saving the above for later reading, I suggest you copy & paste it now before samantha and/or catpetal report it to the admins.



Thanks for the insight harley.
That makes her even more pathetic in my eyes.

It seems there are more than a few having problems with her
Would be nice to see her getting banned from this forum



samantha3's (http://www.imdb.com/user/ur5139603/boards/profile/)
violation of IMDb terms and conditions, i.e. improper reporting of posts on this thread, and elsewhere, continues.

A recent example: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395119/board/thread/53218904?d=168059353&; amp; amp; amp; amp;p=2#168059353

And two more:

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395119/board/thread/53218904?d=168361967&; amp; amp;p=2#168361967

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395119/board/thread/53218904?d=latest&amp ;p=3#latest

Please check your private messages.





It wasn't catpetal-1, it was samantha. I'll tell you how I know via PM.




She made a very stupid mistake.

It isn't like she wasn't warned. Back on July 7th I wrote:

What I should have done then, and always make a practice of now, is save the url of my posts. That way, if you get it deleted, I can use the url to file a complaint against you with the Help Desk. Considering all the ways you've harassed other users and repeatedly violated IMDb terms and conditions, I think it's high time you came to the attention of IMDb administrators.

At this point it's pretty obvious that samantha has had her IP blocked by administrators.

I hope that this will come as some small comfort to those on the Alatriste board who had their posts wrongfully deleted by this chronic troll. Until further notice, the coast should be clear for anyone who cares to post their honest thoughts about Alatriste on this board.




Whereas you act like an adolescent playground bully. "Serve her right"? Who says this stuff apart from adolescents?


it would serve her right if they did block her address - she has a history of wrongfully reporting posts just because she doesn't agree with the content if they happen to criticize her idol Viggo Mortensen

IMDb administrators take that very seriously. However, there are worse offenses for which posters can have their histories wiped or their accounts disabled. If samantha continues to report posts simply because they offend her, administrators may have to take more drastic action.

Samantha take note.

Of course a blocked IP and a deauthenticated account are two challenges that are fairly easy to overcome; if they weren't, IMDb wouldn't be overrun by so many trolls. I'm surprised samantha took as long as she did to figure it out. (Although to what extent she's figured it out is still an open question; no more on that here.) On your home board, from what I gather, many posters were pleasantly surprised at the turn of events.
She's acts like an adolescent fangirl....

This is the supreme irony: a poster whose IMDb repeated violations of board rules and etiquette stem from an immature need to vanquish all critics of Viggo, yet one who also has a compulsion to vaunt her "maturity" to every poster with whom she clashes.

Two sides of the same coin, maybe?



Silly fangirl. I know you deleted a post containing nothing but links and I know that it came to the attention of administrators. More important, you know.

Are you completely unaware of the real world outside this little cyber party?

A funny question coming from a woman who fetishizes a hot movie star and can actually post messages with a straight face about a Viggo lookalike husband who spends hours on end discussing Viggo's films with her.

You're so pitifully estranged from the real world, you can't even fathom how ridiculous your posts sound to married people.

It's that a criminal cyberstalker should try to take a high moral tone

You are really sick, aren't you? Stupid, too. Don't you realize every time you make this outrageous allegation I'm going to insist you divulge the information on me you claim to have?

Samantha3, Arch-Criminal and Haunter of harley's Worst Dreams

Jean, Jean, drama queen and a narcissist according to most who know her on the Viggo Mortensen board.



Now that we have managed to bore a certain poster-troll, I would assume we can now continue with our discussion.

I have a question, and please feel free to reply in your native tongue. I'm sure many who saw Alatriste will be able to follow along.

What do you think many Spanish speakers found boring about this movie? Would you care to summarize the opinions?



I think that this film managed to get everything perfect except for the script. The pacing, dialog, and characters are all ruined by that.



Saw it on my plasma tv yesterday, HD broacast, and liked it very much. Not boring at all. Maybe it's because I'm a little bit bored to watch allways the same american movies, and I've never read a book of reverte (my fault, planning to buy the last one)
