Dog do see in color.

Did anyone else notice that in the goofs section of this site it says that dogs don't see in color. This is wrong dogs do see in color. I am a certified dog trainer and had to take classes on dogs. I learned that dogs do see in color just not like humans do.


Have a Trophy.


I dunno why everyone has such a problem with this post, I didn't like the movie at all and I at least came here expecting to have a discussion about this. And all of you morons who think that the movie was right, check THIS out!

"These experiments showed that dogs do see color, but in a more limited range than that seen by normal humans..."

And no, I didn't just make it up, it's all in easy-to-read print online, and you can find it at

I hate it when these boards get so judgemental about what they don't understand. And good luck with your classes!


RESPOND already!


I do not respond to pointlessness.

Oooops. Sorry, I just did.


lol yea

they see grey



Thank you.


yes, you are right. All mammals see in color however they are rather limited. In Genetics I learned about this. When all organisms were originally the same. They had four cones of color that we could see. Red,blue, green, and UV. birds and insects have the UV cone. All mammals have only the red and green cones however primates have the blue cone so we can see in many types of colors from mammals.

I probably made many mistakes but the article we read was awesome.

"I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens"- Ever After


So how do bulls see red, and attack the Spanish queers with the capes, if they can see all other colours? Can they define it truly from other colours, and if so, why does red anger them?

I'm going to get proper into animals this year, I swear. Not in a beastiality way, I'm talking about as a hobby and learning about them. I'm doing this project in my ceramics 'creative enrichment' for college, and I have to design a shoe that looks like an animal, so I chose my favourite animal, the penguin, and then upon commencing researching, learnt that during the 'summer' of Antarctica - like December - they molt and shed their coats, and go completely bald, alike to plucked turkeys. Imagine how goosepimply they'd be? Ewww. And then they'd be skinny too, because they don't eat while they've molted and are bald. I forgot the reason as to why, but still. Ewww. And I'm having chicken for tea!

Mmm. Chicken.


Because red DOESN'T anger them. Movement angers them. People waving capes in front of them angers them.

Try it with a green cape, then a red cape and see what happens <_<


The bulls are attracted to the movement, not the color. The color is for people to see dude. Bullfighting is seriously messed up.


Yep... Grey is in fact a color.


