MovieChat Forums > Santa's Slay (2005) Discussion > Is this movie as awesome as it sounds?

Is this movie as awesome as it sounds?

Because it sounds pretty freakin awesome.


ITs *beep* stupid


If you like TROMA movies (Toxic avenger, Cannibal the musical, Sgt Kabukiman ...), nonsense humor like South Park, you'll love it!



probably even more awesome

Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules


Hahaha yeah THe movie is Great :D


Yes, this movie is definitely as awesome as it sounds. The movie rules within the first 5 minutes.


Oh, the beginning is delightful. Chris Kattan, Fran Drescher, and whatever other mildly-famous people they could manage to get for this movie... all killed right off the bat. I love that.


He killed Sonny Corleone and The Nanny.....what more could you want lol


hahah i have to see this


Mr. Nanny?


its worth it for the first 15 min when he slaughters everyone in the room and the rest of the movie is great


I bought this movie at Blockbuster when they had a big sale on DVD's. I paid $4.00 for it, and honestly I thought I got my monies worth. you can not take a movie like this seriously.

I loved it and will watch it again with friends. And yes, when they killed off that whiney, nasal-induced actress fran drescher, I *beep* cheered. If santa wasnt evil before meeting her, then by god that would make him evil.

Is the movie stupid? Of course, but if you know what you are getting yourself into, then sit back, prepare to laugh and have a good time.

So sad though that they had to kill of Tess Tickler :(


this movie kicks ass. my favorite part was probably when he dove through the deli counter to tackle the one jewish dude. or maybe it was when he killed a man with a christmas wreath. or maybe when the reindeer buffalo thing spit out a dude's heart after eating a guy. or maybe when he shocked the police chief's testicles. or maybe when he slid the old man/angel into the hellhole. there are so many to choose from.


This movie is a gem. I rented it expecting it to be terrible. Cheesy terrible so me and my friends could laugh at it. It turns out it was genuinely hilarious and well made. Whether it's the ridiculous sight of seeing Santa kick a dog into a ceiling fan, or that sweet 5 minute long scene where we see how Santa lost a curling match to an angel. Everything was awesome. One of the best movies I've ever seen. A bold statement but it's true.


I only could give it a 5, but honestly, it's great cheesy fun. If you aren't up for cheese, you probably won't like it, but if you're feeling naughty and just don't care, this will be a fun ride for you. I thought Goldberg was perfect for this role, and they even found a good use for ol' Bill Culp. Nice to see him again. And Emilie is absurdly cute here. She seems SO much younger than on Lost, which wasn't much later. Maybe being poked in the back by a rampaging helldeer aged her. :-D


It's all that and every flavor of Pringles potato chips!


Nah this movie is a fail IMO.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


It is really funny...........


Yes, it really is as awesome as it sounds. Or as awful as it sounds, if it doesn't soud like your cuppa. Personally, I loved it.


I thought it was great! It was recommended to me on Netflix cuz of my love of cheesy horror movies. I finally decided to check it out, figuring it would most likely be dumb but fun (Killer Santa movies are always great.) And I liked it not just for the cheesiness of it! (Well, I mean that was a huuuuge part of it. OK it was most of it. hahaha) I thought the Santa being a demon storyline was actually pretty clever. I will definitely be watching it again.

They're eating her! And then they're going to eat me! Ohhh myy GAAAAAAAAWWWWD!!!!
