MovieChat Forums > Coach Carter (2005) Discussion > That abortion was really weird!!!

That abortion was really weird!!!

The guy just misses out on being a dad, and he is all ok with it???? I know its her body, but its his kid too. Can't he have a say?

Man this party is like an orgie at a campsite......its ***king in tents.


Yeah, because all guys who have a shot at playing major leage basketball want to become teenage-fathers. *rolleyes*


Well some might. And if the guy wants to take his parental obliations seriously, then why can't he have a say in the matter? The guy in this movie acted as if he was upset for not being there for her during the abortion. He never once pondered if he should have any input in her decision.

Man this party is like an orgie at a campsite......its ***king in tents.


I agree that the father should have a say when it comes to abortion. However in this particular case he agreed with her decision and considering the decision had already been made, his 'say' wouldn't really of mattered because it had already been done.



Um...excuse me?

Do we live in the same country?? You know, where abortion laws are frowned upon in many states??

I seriously don't understand where you're coming from with this.
Veronica Mars died for the CW's sins.


I personally hated that scene.
She sounded so selfish when she said that it was her decision on whether to have the baby or not.
It's not her decision - her decision was to have (unprotected) sex in the first place. THAT was her decision.
And when you have (unprotected) sex you run the risk of getting pregnant and worse, an STD.

So I don't want to hear her say that it was her choice. That's bulls***. I can't believe she got an abortion. That's horrible...she was so selfish too. She didn't even think about the fact that she was killing a baby or the thoughts that her "boyfriend" had.


Oh please! Her boyfriend was whining abut how he could play college ball AND be a father! Sorry, but he made his decision right there when he put a freakin' game ahead of his unborn child.
Since Kyra was the one who would've been left holding the ball while Kenyon waltzed off to college and a new life, I say it was definitely HER decision! Had he been willing to sacrifice HIS future to be a parent, then i suppose I would feel differently. But he wasn't.



He didn't even want a child, because he wanted to pursue his career in b-ball. So that's why it didn't matter to him.


I think it did matter to him, but he had to consider the future of the child and the type of household it was going to grow up into. now a dad working all hours in a pokey flat struggling to make ends meet since there barly out of there teens or wait a little bit longer and anychild they would later have since kyra went with him when he went to college would be in a more secure enviorment

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


think it did matter to him, but he had to consider the future of the child and the type of household it was going to grow up into. now a dad working all hours in a pokey flat struggling to make ends meet since there barly out of there teens

By this logic almost every teen in the movie should have been aborted, probably a lot of their parents too. There's a solution to poverty. Poor and/or troubled people should abort their children. The sad part is that it would probably be quite effective in reducing poverty and crime.

The OP has a point, the scene was clumsily done and jarring. The writer or director was trying to make some kind of point, but they just suceeded in jarring a lot of the audience(maybe that WAS the point they were trying to make. If so, it worked). Most people don't look on an abortion as a casual, minor occurence that can pass without any emotion or nary a comment.


I thought they played it out in a refreshingly honest way. They wrestled with the question indirectly mostly ("How are we going to do this"), occasionally directly ("What do you want to do, hold my hand at the clinic."), and in the end there's the unseen moment when the girl realizes she has to make a choice, privately. Then in the reveal moment, we actually see a lot of courage and honesty in her about her choice. She's managed to break out of fantasy land, and when she learns that maybe the fantasy could have been dragged out a little longer, she doesn't implode.

It was also honest the way the boy played the scene, with a mix of stumbling shock, sadness, relief, gratitude, and a bit of cowardice (through the lead up, there was little attempt to disguise his worries about being a dad, and his passiveness about being honest and saying what everyone (except the most deluded Catholics could see: that is, that they couldn't take care of a kid and be anything more than another doomed family in the projects.


Totally agree with this

by - sayitaintso1234 on Mon Dec 18 2006 10:09:24 I personally hated that scene.
She sounded so selfish when she said that it was her decision on whether to have the baby or not.
It's not her decision - her decision was to have (unprotected) sex in the first place. THAT was her decision.
And when you have (unprotected) sex you run the risk of getting pregnant and worse, an STD.

So I don't want to hear her say that it was her choice. That's bulls***. I can't believe she got an abortion. That's horrible...she was so selfish too. She didn't even think about the fact that she was killing a baby or the thoughts that her "boyfriend" had.


He didnt give a *hit


Man, I don't blame him. My my s/o accidentally gotten pregnant, I would request an abortion as well.

I never want kids and I fully support abortion.



...and who the *beep* are you, God? Who gave you the authority to judge?

You're such an imbecile!!


...and who the *beep* are you, God? Who gave you the authority to judge?

Well the Abortion doctors are the ones who are playing God so what gives them a right to interfere in Gods work and who the *beep* are you to judge someone like that, attacking them, that's basically what you're going against, going against your own beliefs.


This is the first time I've ever posted on IMDb but I have to say something here.. Did you guys even WATCH the movie or did you start it at that scene? He made it very clear that he was against her keeping the baby and she was going to keep it anyway. She got an abortion after she thought they had broken up and knew she probably couldn't raise the baby on her own. Before making comments actually pay attention to the movie you're commenting on


I thought the whole pregnancy was wierd. Everything about it smelled off - I was half expecting her to come out and say that she was never really pregnant to begin with.
That out of the way, I think the movie showed it was a difficult decision for both of them. He didn't feel ready and didn't want to ruin his life - but he didn't feel he could just out and tell her to get rid of it. She wanted it and thought they could live the same way everyone else around them did - until she realised he might not be around for that after all.
Tough call for both of them. They both wanted to do the right thing - just not sure what it was and either way meant a tough call.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


The baby would have grown up to be a huge star in the NBA, if he hadn't been killed by his mother with an abortion.


Statistically, it's highly more likely that it would have grown up to be a drug dealer and end up in jail, with two young parents without educations in the ghetto.

They probably saved a few lives of the people that little ghetto baby would have shot up.
