MovieChat Forums > Coach Carter (2005) Discussion > Good movie, good movie, good movie, + th...

Good movie, good movie, good movie, + then SUCK!!!!

Whatever my disdain for Samuel L. Jackson for selling out to the bankster elite in the real world, (pimping Capital One credit cards so y'all can get yourself into debt for the love of STUUUUFF!) he delivered an excellent performance as the titular coach who disciplines an inner city Richmond high school basketball team, even unto the closing and locking of the gym until the students improve their grades. It wasn't just a great character piece, but also an excellent treatise on accountability, discipline, and prioritizing one's ambition for academic acheivement.
But that latter part is key in the ultimate downfall of the movie.
Throughout the film, there's a running subplot about one of the players' spurning his knocked up girlfriend because she wants to have a baby that he don't. So after this dramatic payoff of a scene where the team brings their desks into the gym promising to continue improving academically after the obstinate parent-led school council forces back open the gym, and Carter vowed to quit because of it (he changes his mind because of this display, of course), this one student goes back to his girlfriend telling her that the college offering him a scholarship would approve of -I don't know- some kind of parental assistance, I guess. But it turns out she had the abortion he originally wanted. But he's OK with that! Junior would have been an added burden for academia, the student, AND the originally masterful and dramatic -but suddenly LAZY- writers of this movie! (THESE WRITERS MUST BE PILLORIED!!!) The unborn baby's death should have been a damned Greek tragedy, but NO! It's OK! He's got ENOUGH responsibilities without also being responsible as a father! Time to go back to her place and *beep* SOME MORE!!! And furthermore, I don't care what anyone says about how logical or important it is to be unburdened in life, the entire message about this movie was about taking responsibility for yourself and for your actions, but treating a pregnancy as a cast-off inconvenience instead of AS one of those responsibilities, completely -COMPLETELY undermines the rest of this movie!
Aw, but wait! He still wants to be with her! Ain't he suh-WEEEEET! Congratulations, you two *beep* Your relationship is founded upon a dead baby's unmarked grave!
Anyway, I couldn't watch the rest of the movie after that scene. I don't know how Coach Carter ends. Does the team w-w-WIIIN? If anyone wants to tell me how this suddenly bullshat movie ends, then um...well thanks for taking the trouble, but you really didn't have to.
