sick and tired

I'm sick and tired of these sports movies where the underdogs always come up short.


its not just any sports movie. It's based on a true story. They can't change the ending just because people would want it to be a good one.


its not just any sports movie. It's based on a true story. They can't change the ending just because people would want it to be a good one.

Oh, like Remember The Titans perhaps? Like where the school integrated in 1963, not 1971 - the year they won the state title with the same players/coaches the movie portrays.?

Or like the fact the year they DID win the state tile they cruised 27-0 and did not forge a come-from-behind win on a long last-play reverse?

Or like false "let's win it for Gary" storyline when in fact Gary Bertier actually PLAYED in the state title game and did not suffer the paralyzing car accident until after the season was over?

Hollywood changes the "true" sports stories all the time. As a matter of fact I doubt any sports film based on a true event/season portrays the story even 90% accurate.

and yes, I know I am replying to a nearly 3 year-old thread.


Yes you wanted them to win but because it's based on a true story changing what actually happened would be disingenuous. They played hard but fell short ... that's part of life dealing with defeat.


What this movie showed us is that whether or not they won that last game, the players won already because of how Coach Carter changed their views on life. Instead of Basketball being the only goal in life, they were shown the value of education and where it can take you. He opened doors for his players. Of course it would have been nice if all their hard work on the court lead them to a victory. However, life deals you rewards and disappointments, and you have to learn to deal with both. That's what this movie taught us. Basketball was the back-drop to this movie, but was not the main theme or purpose.


What the *beep*?!? Virtually every sport movie has the opposite happen, and I'm sick of that. The ubiquitous buzzer-beating, slow-motion climactic scenario where either the unsung hero finds his mojo, or the troubled star conquers his inner demons. What crap.


That's just the thing. It wasn't about winning the game, it was about winning in life and giving themselves a chance.


Because everyone wins and succeeds in real life...

