What the hell happened?

Nothing in this clusterfvck of a movie approached the quality of the articles or videos on the website, excluding the ones taken directly from it, and even then they only pilfered the newspaper articles (badly) and not the video segments.

I could pull about 15 minutes of material out of this POS worth watching.

I'm going to assume someone bought movie rights to the onion which included some headlines and its a separate entity from the currently produced videos.


One would think that this would be a great movie considering the level of writing you would find on their website and in their books, BUT this falls flat. I can't put my finger on it, but I think it has to do with the pacing and low budget look about it. For one thing, I know that the news anchorman talked way too slowly than most newscasters you see on the air.

They needed to pick up the pace and stuff it with jokes. The last half was a snoozer. It was like 15 minutes of good material, 20 minutes of mildly funny stuff and the rest was stone faced viewing. Come on guys, you can do better than this.
