Onion Movie : wtf

Snicker...yawn...laugh..yawn...piss break..yawn...laugh...

That's all the whole movie is.

The thing I liked about the movie is how they take the piss (means make fun of) real life individuals. Eg. - the white negro, so funny, the pop singer who is so much like the real life ones singing about over sexy things, absolute genius, the overage nerd who kills the kids and who is so wrapped up in games that he wishes to go into that world then gets (in a nerdly word) "P4wn3D" hard.

The thing I didn't like was some of the stupid crap like the penis guys or the Queen Nathan skit... wtf

This movie is more like a 90 minute version of MadTV than a film, but then again, with the film critics in there + black reps etc., i wouldn't call this a film at all.


the movie was effing boring


Yeah... I thought this movie was funny, but it really wasn't organized at all. I really can't imagine it being shown in a theatre.
