Lost Potential

I didn't hate the movie...I can understand why some people would...but I didn't find it funny. Clever? Sure...funny? Nah.
The jokes weren't bad. It was well written...the problem, thus the "lost potential" subject line, was the jokes were delivered poorly.
There were a number of good actors and one or two solid performances but for the most part, unfunny people were trying to pull off jokes that needed a more refined approach.
If you love this movie, I'm glad...we all have different tastes. If you hated it then let the people who do enjoy their flick.
I just think the haters missed that if you peel back the layers...there's actually an intelligence at work in it's core. Unfortunately it was lost in some poor direction and unguided performances.
I gave it a 4.


I can totally see that point of view. I gave the movie a 7, though I always laugh at it and own it on DVD. It's a mix between low-brow and high-brow, and it has a niche audience.

That being said, some of the scenes could've been a little funnier with some better deliveries; I also think the movie slows down in the second half a bit too much. But again, I still thoroughly enjoy it and probably watch it once a year.

Still hoping for that official "C*ckpuncher" movie to come out...
