Missing the point ...

Everyone who watched this expecting the next 'JAWS' was only fooling themselves . This is exactly what it was supposed to be : a lower budget shark movie that showcased Lorenzo Lamas' greatness on screen . The sets and CGI were above average . The dialogue while cheesy was clever and funny . The female lead served the movie well . And there were killer sharks , conspiracies , and action abound ! This movie was well worth its efforts ...


I thought Lorenzo Lamas died in the 1980s, or maybe I'm just thinking of his career.

Does anyone on the planet want to see Lorenzo Lamas in anything? Steven Seagal is a better actor than Lorenzo Lamas and nobody wants to see him in anything either.

Yes, I know that creepy women with 20 cats love Lorenzo Lamas, but are there enough of them out there to keep his career going? I wish he would just stop already and give other bad actors a chance to star in horrible straight-to-video movies.

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