omg kerr smith?

Ok i have never seen this film but hello kerr is so so fit i have to c it, i live in the uk so does anyone know where i can get it

btw is he naked please say he is

Come on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows I need my fix. NOW!!



We dont have blockbuster in Northern Ireland which is crap but i will try extra vision thanks.

Come on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows I need my fix. NOW!!


"btw is he naked please say he is"

No male nudity unfortunately - only female. Typical sexist film.


Men don't have something similar to the breasts women have(well, men of course do have a chest, but that isn't very special and is not considered something sexual), and since they did not show anything besides breasts in this movie, there really is nothing the men could have shown without making it seem like porn.

So I don't see why this is a 'typical sexist film'

*Is looking for a new signature*



It's typically sexist, dope, because they shouldn't show ANYTHING from a female if they aren't willing to do the same with a male. And don't give me this bunk that if they show a man's goods that it's automatically porn. Some of THE WORST "comedies" in the past 5 years have had dicks hanging out, so where do you get your info from? They can show an ass in a movie without getting X-ratings. Nice try though.

If they needed a fecal 'transplant,' just feed 'em one of the "Grey's Anatomy" scripts.



Holy *beep* I came on here and saw this comment and laughed because the post is so idiotic.....turns out its my post from when I was 17 :-D

Thankfully not so immature but I found the movie and yes Kerr is still hot.
