The movie mom is watching..?

About 12 minutes into the movie, after the main character has been dumped and returns to his mom, she's sitting watching an old black and white movie.. What it the movie? I'm a real fan of old movies, but I don't remember seeing that scene, so I'd like to get a hold of it.. :)
Anyone out there who can guide me? Is it from the movie Marty ('cause I haven't had the opportunity to see it yet)?


It was Jackie Gleason playing Fenwick Babbit. (I think that's the character's name.) If that's it, it's not a movie but from his TV show.


The character is the Poor Soul. Fenwick Babbitt spoke ("You're a nice man") and would get into physically challenging situations. The Poor Soul was complete pantomime and always strived to do good, yet his truly benevolent intentions inevitably would be foiled by innocent or insensitive passers by. Jeff Garlin's character James Aaron is very much like the Poor Soul, as a matter of fact Jeff uses the Poor Soul's theme music "Tenderly" at the film's end playing over the retirement home "Marty" performance. This underlying character definition is just another reason that "I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With" is so brilliant.
