Clinton Whinefest

Basically, this was two hours of Clinton's associates whining about how bad Ken Starr was to them.

The movie starts out mentioning obscure characters in Arkansas even I hadn't heard of before, and trying to link them to the people who went after Clinton in the 1990's. Yeah, that sounded rational, if you were Oliver Stone.

I particuliarly love Susan McDougal. She spent most of the movie saying, "Poor innocent me", when in fact, she was convicted of embezzling money from Whitewater, and sentenced to two years in prison.

They also spent a lot of time dumping dirt on the reputation of a dead man, claiming that Jim McDougal(who is conveniently dead and can't defend himself) was mentally ill, and easily bribed with chocolates. Gee, maybe the real reason he hated Clinton was because Slick Willie was doing his wife, suckered him into a crooked land deal that cost him his life's savings, and got him sent to prison where he eventually died under mysterious circumstances (Happened to a lot of Clinton's friends. That is why I am happy to be a Clinton enemy.)

The other claim I heard was about how this was a "coup d'tat" against a sitting President. Hello. Look, even if the Senate grew a backbone and impeached him, the only thing that would have happened was that Al Gore would have become President, which probably would have improved his chances in 2000. So what would the Republicans have really gained?

So, for Clinton apologists, this is a great movie to watch. For the rest of the world, Clinton will be remembered more for his sex scandals than anything he did as President.


Note to Joebuss555: Susan MacDougal was not "convicted of embezzling money from Whitewater, and sentenced to two years in prison", as you would have learned from watching the film. She was incarcerated for not spilling her guts to the OIC. I also detected no "whining" from any of the Clinton people; as a matter of fact there was general agreement that they were disappointed in Clinton for not being straightforward with them on the Lewinsky matter. And anyone who can defend Ken Starr's behavior with a straight face, as you try mightily to do, must count themselves as part of that golden clique of Bush lovers who think the GOP leaders can do no wrong (unless these leaders appoint a judge who doesn't vote right-wing 100% of the time).

As for your statement

"...if the Senate grew a backbone and impeached him, the only thing that would have happened was that Al Gore would have become President, which probably would have improved his chances in 2000. So what would the Republicans have really gained?"

you obviously weren't paying attention whenever Tom DeLay (currently in bigger trouble than Clinton ever found himself, with real crimes and deliberate ethical lapses being charged against him)(Go, Ronnie Earle, Go!) opened his big stupid mouth during the impeachment proceedings: Clinton was only Tom DeLAy target number one; Gore was number two. Had DeLay's grasp extended as far as his reach, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert would have been US President #43, instread of the miserable failure in office now.


JoeBuss, can you factually back up what you claim in your post? If so, then do it. If not then STFU.

BTW, I am no Clinton apologists but I do find it sort of amusing to hear frompeople like you. LOL


This is what I remember Clinton for:

Here's what former counterterrorism official in the Reagan Administration Robert Oakley told The Washington Post on Dec. 24, 2000, about Clinton's national security policy: "Overall, I give them very high marks." He went on: "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama, which made him stronger."

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky


"The other claim I heard was about how this was a "coup d'tat" against a sitting President. Hello. Look, even if the Senate grew a backbone and impeached him, the only thing that would have happened was that Al Gore would have become President, which probably would have improved his chances in 2000. So what would the Republicans have really gained?"

As Gerald for about that one.

You're kidding right? A sitting US president would be impeached and removed from office. The closest we've gotten to that is Nixon with Watergate. He was never impeached or convicted because he resigned (and got a full pardon for any crimes he "may have committed while in office") before the machinery of legal action could work but it still shot the democrats into the White House in 1976 because of all of the bad publicity the Republicans got. Being the sitting president didn’t do anything to help Ford in that election.

Remember that the Whitewater investigation was about a land deal, but once it got going they included looking into alleged rapes, murders and cover-ups. After 5 years and $80 million they concluded that Clinton did nothing wrong in the land deal, there was no proof he raped anyone and he wasn't responsible for the murders of anyone. The best they could do was when they knew about him getting BJs from an intern and asked him about it he (being a married public figure) lied and denied it.

Once they had Linda Tripp's tapes of her conversations with Monica about giving the Clinton a BJ they knew they had a win-win situation. Get him under oath and ask him about it. If he tells the truth they have him on record talking about getting blown by a 21 year old intern. If he lies they can prosecute him for perjury.

The Current president learned that lesson well. That’s why when asked about drug use in his past he said “when I was young and stupid I did some young and stupid things” and left it at that. That way his supporters can say it never happened but if some proof comes out later he can say he didn’t lie about it. Same reason Bush’s people insisted they not be under oath when they gave the “proof” of WMDs in Iraq, so if some proof turns up they were lying to congress they can’t be prosecuted for perjury.

As for the “any of us would have been treated the same” argument, it’s BS too. Remember Mark Fuhrman? His perjury may have cost the LA County DA’s office the OJ Simpson conviction and he was sentenced to probation and fined $200. Remember Oliver North? Never even tried for perjury before congress.
