MovieChat Forums > The Hunting of the President (2004) Discussion > Comparing Bush and Clinton....from a Hig...

Comparing Bush and Clinton....from a High School Government teacher...

Everyone loves to compare and contrast these two. I think you should look at the situation that both men had to operate under.

As for Osama.

Clinton did know that Osama was a problem, and had a number of meetings in how to best catch or kill Bin Laden. At no time was a clear chance given, and the best opportunity came at the expense of shooting cruise missiles over Pakistan to hit the target (911 report). The Administration choose not to pursue this action as it would cause more international grief than benefit. Instead, they compiled a massive file on Bin Laden and his activities. Amongst the information collected, was a small little piece about using airplanes as projectiles. This information was compiled and handed to the Bush administration. (911 report). C. Rice did have this info, and tried to hand it over to Bush, but he did not see it as an immediate concern. (again, 911 report and C. Rice).

Bush had Osama trapped in the mountains of Afghanistan, and there was no immediate concern about international concern over using force over the Taliban. The free world stood united in rooting out the Taliban and Osama. When it seemed that they had Osama cornered, Bush moved troops around, and outsourced the final leg of the operation to Afghani mercernary units. To this day, we know about where he is, but no big push has been made to capture him. Most likely, because we are already overextended in Iraq, and cannot afford to relocate any troops.

War in Iraq...

Clinton was using the U.N. to apply international pressure on Saddam. While it is now apparent that there was an Oil for Food scandal going on, Saddam was under such scrutiny that he was not able to manufacture weapons, or kill the number of people he had during his earlier years as ruler. When Saddam began to act against the U.N., Clinton was quick to have missiles dropped in strategic locations, but always away from the population. This did not result in any insurgency or uprising in the people. Saddam got the point, and allowed weapon inspectors back in. At the end of Clinton's presidency, Saddam had not assembled one WMD.

Bush came into power, and began making veiled threats right away at Saddam. After exploring possible Al Quaida and Iraq connections, they only thing they could match was the location. As it turned out, Bin Laden has had a deep contempt for Saddam for a long time. Of course, this makes sense in context. Bin Laden wants removal of all western influence, and Saddam wants a secular government. The two could not work together, as they had different ideologies. but there was a group of now insurgents who saw the Iraqi's as a fertile ground for more training, and did center their attention there. They did this, after the U.S led invasion into Iraq. Zarqawi is Saudi, not an Iraqi. He is leading another extension of the Holy War, and causing a civil war to begin in Iraq. The whole pretext of the war, was to root out the WMDs. Of which, not one was found to date. Not only was there no WMDs, but no ability to manufacture them either. When Powell and Rumsfield acknowledged this fact, the Bush administration changed the reason of the war to liberating Iraq, and creating a Middle Eastern democracy.

So.....Clinton always acted under the auspice of international diplomacy. That is why he was respected on a world scale, and it was safe to travel as an U.S. citizen. Bush has destroyed all foreign relation ties, especially as he acted against the U.N. in declaring war. This is why Bush had such a bad reputation, and can be considered the aggressor in the War. There is a comparisson here between Bush and Saddam. both men attacked another country unprovoked......



"Clinton completely ignored the Osama problem"

Well, there goes your credibility!


Glad to see my previous post was deleted for absolutely no reason. Go unbiased boards!

As for my credibilty being shot, may I ask why? Prove to me how Clinton didn't ignore Osama bin Laden as a threat during his 8 years as president instead of just stating a random statement to try and denegrate me and make yourself feel good inside.


Even if Clinton did ignore Bin Laden as a threat, that is not nearly as bad Bush ignoring him after he already attacked this country.

Goo Goo G'Joob


True, cause Bush did ignore him completely. It wasn't as if we, you know, invaded the country where he lived and worked, drove him and his group out of power, and instituted and are still running a world wide search for him.....


I didn't say he ignored him completely, but to invade another country (with no proven connections to 9/11) when Bin Laden is still free is just irresponsible. The Afghanistan invasion took up much less time and attention than the Iraq war.

Goo Goo G'Joob


You truly have no idea what you're talking about.

Here's what former counterterrorism official in the Reagan Administration Robert Oakley told The Washington Post on Dec. 24, 2000, about Clinton's national security policy: "Overall, I give them very high marks." He went on: "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama, which made him stronger."

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky



LETTING HIM GO sounds the exact opposite of obsessed. He was more obsessed with pussy and tits then he was with Osama

The Republicans were obsessed with hamstringing his policy by making Monica the major issue. Remember "no war for Monica?" Only now do they say that Monica Lewinsky was a distraction from foreign policy. At the time, any foreign policy decisions Clinton made were accused of being an attempt to distract us from Monica. Ken Starr released Clinton's testimony on the same day Clinton delivered a major address on the threat of terrorism. Guess which one made the news.


Ok, well, all of that is interesting, and you're right, by pointing out the problems of non bi partisan politics. And the news medias obsession with rating instead of pushing actual news. However, none of what you said supports that Clinton did a good job on terrorism. And a "major" address on terrorism means dick. Any one can stand up and talk talk talk. It's all about doing doing doing, and Clinton did jack *beep*


Members of the two main factions of the Business Party of the United States of America.

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