A disreputable President.

Irrespective of one's politics or personal opinion of Clinton, it is beyond any doubt whatsoever that he lied and was found out to have lied. That he did so is a a clear sign that he was both morally bankrupt (never mind the fact that he cheated on his wife ; that is another issue altogether ! )and professionally inept. The public is entitled to hope that their leaders are principled men of integrity and truthfulness, but the public is also cynical enough to accept that these qualities are sadly lacking everywhere today. That being so,the best one can hope for is that if our elected leaders choose to lie, then that they are not caught out in their lies, since the discovery that they lied and were found out ruins the credibility our elected leaders,as well as the people chosen by them to work with them, and the policies for which they stand. Clinton is a disreputable man and was discovered to be so; he should have resigned or be made to do so by the American people. That neither happened tells the people of other countries that the American people are as deficient in morals and principles as Clinton was.


George W. Bush was also morally bankrupt as President, so what's the difference. Bush represented himself as a born again Christian during both of his campaigns. Yet, everything he did during his 8 years as U.S. President was basically self-serving. He jeopardized the lives of untold numbers of U.S soldiers, some of who died defending his right to deceive the American people. Bush also literally bankrupted our country by funding endeavors that we could not afford to sustain long-term. As a result, our economy is in a recession to this day. At least Clinton, who entered into office in 1993 with a $4.167 trillion dollar deficit from Bush's father left office with a surplus of $200 billion, which Bush Jr. quickly used up. F u k the Bush legacy. At least Clinton enjoyed economic booms during his tenure and a gross national product(GNP) of $10,000bn - one quarter of the entire world economic output.

The unemployment rate dropped by half, to 4%, a 40-year-low, while Clinton's economy also created some 15 million jobs. And you want to complain because he lied about getting a piece. As far as I'm concerned, that's between former President Clinton and his wife, just like anyone else wouldn't want their past or current relationships examined in public.
