what is this about??

i just found out about this and billie is in it... guess i better check it out when it comes out.. does anyone know what this is about or when it comes out?

my new imdb account.. my old one is dark-fairy but i thought it was time for a change


no idea when it comes out i cant find it out anywhere so if anyone knows let me no!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah i have no clue what it is about but if billy joe is in it im betting it will be hot.


I agree. I don't kno what it's about...but if it has billie joe in it, it will b act! I can't wait to c him act!


Actually I know what the title refers to. My Father works for the air force and he just resently told me that "Dreamland" is one of a few nicknames they have for the whole Area 51 thing. It makes sence because the movie takes place in Nevada were he says there is a top secret base.

"You are a *beep* moron! Thank you." Reginold the demon.


i dont really know plot wise, personally, but that sounds like a pretty good idea.
this does sound like it's more of an indie film, since most of the main actors don't have many credits, but hey, it could turn out being some smash thing.
wierd that billie joe is acting in it though...wouldn't have guessed he'd do a movie...i'd go see it though...out of curiosity


Maybe Billie Joe has just a very small part or a cameo. Maybe Green day will be on the soundtrack. You can check out the trailer on the offical website.


There's an official website? I need more information please.


Ooh, I'm definitely going to check it out!

You can't blame yourself for what gorillas did.


What is the offical webpage for the movie?



okay..i'm pretty sure i found an official website
however, it doesnt say anything about billie joe. and the soundtrack page is under construction.

Hello Polly, I will clean my room... in exchange for your immortal soul


it seems the only way people found this movie is through Billie Joe's film credits page... it's kind of sad that the only way this movie seems to have any notoriety whatsoever is because Billie Joe MAY be in it, but no one seems to know for sure... has anyone even seen the movie? wouldn't they know? or do they just not know what Billie Joe looks like? Not one of the threads on this board is really about the movie, they're all about Billie Joe! Well you all can just shut up about Billie Joe! ..........he's mine, so back off! :)
yeah, I only found this from Billie Joe's film credits too, so I don't blame any of you... but it still is sad... but, then again, im a sad person... i watched Charlie's Angels 2 only because Ed Robertson has a 2-second cameo in it...
anyway, someone wrote that the main character is Jake, and that Jake is Billie Joe, so if it is really him, then I might see it, if he's the main character... but if he's all done up to not even look like him... i dunno... i dont really like movies... (and yet i post messages on movie boards... i said, im sad.)
