MovieChat Forums > 36 quai des orfèvres (2004) Discussion > Beautiful Actresses and Ugly Actors

Beautiful Actresses and Ugly Actors

OK, I admit it: I gave up half way through. The point at which I realised this was just another implausible French film was when the wives make their first appearance. It seems to me that French actors are selected primarily on their acting talent (and most are far from handsome), whereas French actresses are chosen for their youth and beauty (although some of them can act). Are we to believe that two middle-aged, pudgy, slightly odd-looking men have two young, beautiful wives?


Have you had a look at the French President's wife recently?



Damn, but I'd sell a limb to be in Valeria Golino's place in that movie. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to me, Daniel Auteuil is the epitome of it. Smart, sexy and talented. What's not to love?


I thought it was a terrific film and enjoyed it to the end, however, like you, I did notice that their wives were considerably younger, perhaps incongruously.

The two women are 15 and 16 years younger than their 'husbands'.

2012's 'policier' and Auteuil vehicle, The Lookout, can't hold a candle to this one.
