MovieChat Forums > 36 quai des orfèvres (2004) Discussion > Do french Actors Change their Accent in ...

Do french Actors Change their Accent in Different Roles?

I speak 'fluent' french but i do not recognize different native-speaking french accents. This (terrific) film had me wondering about accents and roles.In the U.S., actors will often change their accents for their parts, particularly if they are playing 'blue collar', criminal, or 'red neck' roles, or if the film takes place where lower class accents are particularly distinct (Boston, NYC, the South).(for examples of police dramas that do this, see The Departed, Mean Streets, Serpico, Mystic River....) Also, in the U.S., Police Chiefs usually come from blue collar backgrounds in their particular city, so they have those accents in films.

To my ear, Andre Dussollier, Police Chief in this film, speaks beautiful french like he always does. And i thought that auteuil and depardieu sounded like they always do as well.For you french film goers , is this an inauthentic element in this film?
In the u.s., the accents being authentic -is a point of much discussion.If they are done really badly, many people will talk about that as a mark against the actor.

Do french actors often change their accent, according to what region their character is from? if so, could you please direct me to some examples of this and tell me which actors are well known as good mimics for accents? (examples of other actors known to be good mimics: brad pitt, matt damon, javier bardem, christian bale, meryl streep...)


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Do french actors often change their accent, according to what region their character is from?

Yeah. It's just like cinema in the states (and everywhere else)...

An example that comes to mind would be Vincent Cassel's normal Parisian accent compared to the accent he did in the movie "Sheitan" which is supposed to be a country accent. It's not bang on but you can hear the difference.


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grant, merci. gentil de vous.i've not seen seitan but i will try to find it.
any other examples come to mind? something marseilles or breton? i have seen tons of fr films, but just have not noticed big differences in accents, so i appreciate the help. i have seen a large number of auteuil and lucchini and depardieu's films- enough so that i can hear their voices in my head- so maybe i should look at martin guerre or manon to see if they've changed their accents in those roles.....

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i've not seen sheitan but i will try to find it.

Be warned, there are some disturbing/gross parts in it.

Anyway, I pulled these from a list of ones I've seen: (Brittany) (Marseilles)


We're all running strong & charging up the hills of life again.


sheitan not for me but thank you.

i think i was confusing with my question-
the films you linked- are they examples of a particular actor using a special french accent because the film takes place in brittany or marseilles? because that is what i am seeking>> examples, other than sheitan, of a major french actor using a special accent for his/her role. as javier bardem is good at doing when he plays people from different latin countries......
merci encore

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sheitan not for me but thank you.

Wasn't for me either but figured I'd throw it out there...

Disregard the first one then (Western) since it isn't what you are looking for (still a good film though).

The second (The Town is Quiet) has actors from Marseilles but Jean-Pierre Darroussin fakes the Marseilles accent in it.


We're all running strong & charging up the hills of life again.


The best examples I can think of off the top of my head are the amazing films Jean de Florette and Manon des sources. In both, Auteuil's character (Ugolin/Galinette) speaks with a thick southern French accent. Of course, there is also Dany Boon in Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis who uses a northern French accent/dialect.


Daniel Auteil has also directed and starred in a couple of Pagnol adaptations set in Marseilles: Marius (2013) and Fanny (2013). (Pagnol also wrote Jean de Florette and Manon des sources.)

The Marius and Fanny material was first presented onscreen in some really great films in the 1930s, also with Marseilles accents. See Marius (1931) (, Fanny (1932) (, and César (1936) ( All feature the wonderful actor Raimu in the role of César.

last 2 dvds: Die bleierne Zeit (1981) & La nuit fantastique (1942)


In Lacombe Lucien, the actor who plays the main character has a strong accent from the south west of France

A genuine one in fact, as he was from the country and not being a professional.

Not so long ago, it was even possible to hear three or four different accents in Paris alone but, now, people tend to speak with a sort of unidentified street accent not to be taken as a bourgeois (and being called with names)

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