This Movie Blows!

This guy is self indulgent.


Just a little! Seriously, though, this has just been shown on BBC4 in the UK - I saw the description in the review and thought it might be interesting, given the format etc. I had to give up after 15 minutes or so, thinking "this is the most self indulgent drivel I have ever seen". So, having thought that, I fired up the ole web browser and came here and I see that, on the whole, that opinion seems to be shared by a fair few people here. It strikes me as a shame though - the whole idea seemed so good in the review. Unfortunately he just came across as unlikeable and self-obsessed with the actual work being extremely poorly done. I think it was the deliberately drawn out captions that finally did it for me - if you don't have enough footage, then make it a short film - but for goodness sake don't drag it out for the sake of it with somewhat cheesy and dull statements.


True, i was forced to see it on a field trip for film studies


yeah that clip of him when he was 11 confessing to a murder was the straw that broke the camels back for me, i simply couldnt watch anymore as he didnt come across as a very likable guy to me

pity tho as the idea of the flim seemed so good


how is this self indulgent? i mean, people with nothing to say write autobiographies all the time.

i mean, seriously, who doesnt want to tell their story?


"people with nothing to say write autobiographies all the time."

Yeah - but unfortunately I didn't know he had nothing to say when I went to see his film. The hype and reviews were raving about what a powerful, experimental innovative and deeply moving film this was. Sadly it was unendurable rubbish with a deeply annoying and gittish camera hog taking up most of the screen time. Torture.



Glad so many of us agree.

The unimportant, uninteresting statements flashing across the screen - My lord!

Jonathan was a boy.....

who had alot on his plate....

At an early, early


He did.

He really did.


was in a home

that didn't treat her well.

No, they didn't.

Not at all.

Jonathan was an attractive boy.

And a talented boy.

He was attractive and intelligent from the years


All of those years

proved that he was already

a good filmmaker.
