MovieChat Forums > Tarnation (2004) Discussion > Maybe his mother didn't need electrother...

Maybe his mother didn't need electrotherapy...

But I bet Joanthan Caouette could use some...

This is close to the worst movie I've ever seen. It was pretencious, egocentric, self-indulging, dragged-out, incredebly annoying and just plane out corny at times.

And as others have pointed out, at times not "true" at all, eg. the beginning and the end were totally fictitious.

I have no idea how this POS can have such a high rating, unless the ego-monster known as Joanthan Caouette uses hours a day regesterring usernames and voting himself...

And boy must Gus Van Sant feel like an idiot to be involved with this disaster of human self-exploitation.

With all this said, I do feel pity and empathy with the family's tragic fates. No one deserves to grow up like that, and I know that from first-hand experience. But, c'mon, making a film about it is just stupid.

Pseudo-inellectuals may now start their flaming.

Mindfu<k Movie Board
The world is full of solipsists.


Did you bother to listen to the Director's Commentary at all? If not, perhaps that would shed a different light on how you view things.

- David LeBlanc


Gee, akalias...don't be coy, tell us how you really feel. At the very least, the film is an interesting experiment and a unique viewing experience. How about disengaging from the trite hyperbolic machinations of labeling this film as a "POS" and simply express a genuine dislike for it (I can respect that). I mean, let's be frank, if Tarnation is a "POS" then what in heaven's name does one call an actual "POS" like Martin Lawrence vehicles such as National Security or Rebound and the overwhelming majority of generic, over-simplified Hollywood tripe? Wield the "POS" label carefully and prudently or else risk having your opinion dismissed as nothing more than an ineffectual, unqualified, non-constructive, 'tude display. A little bit of humility goes a long way towards effectively communicating one's point of view.




Fair enough, we share the same view on mainsream hollywood flicks, but this is even worse - it's trying SO hard to be an innovative emotional groundbraking film, that it shows how obviously pathetic it is.

And about calling it a POS, it IS a POS! JC is really just pooping his entire life out onto film!

Mindfu<k Movie Board
The world is full of solipsists.


the poem throughout the film kept getting to me. The small girls voice that ran throughout, quoting "rise early and work hard, for toil is the life, blah blah" or "don't compare yourself to others, for it will breed envy, etc etc.." and at the end "look for good not evil in life, for it all we have, so on etc"

It is something I have heard before, and often. From the Bible? From Ben Franklin's almanac? Can anyone shed any light on where I can find that in it's entirety?

It's driving me nuts.

But to comment on the thread here. No, I do not think it was a POS, but if you have never experienced that type of family set-up (dysfunctional) it might seem like overblown self-centered hype. However, if you are doing a film about your family and how it affects your life/choices etc, how can it be anything else but self-focused? I thought the 'reading' parts of the movie could have been done better, to me those were the most annoying parts. As for the home movies of himself at age 11 or so doing "testimonials", the only thing that kept it from being an annoying child bit, was the shocking knowledge of terrible things that this boy had at that age.

If anyone knows the origin of the poem mentioned above PLEASE let me know!



It's called "Desiderata."


Some of us do not "know that from first hand experience" and so the film might not appear as "boring" as it is to you. Just suggesting...


Maybe an ignorant question.

What does "POS" mean?

Never heard this expression before.

And YES I love this film, but everyone is entitled to their opinion IMHO :)


I would just like to add that it would not be as difficult for some of us to take criticisms with a grain of salt...even constructively...if you people would learn proper grammar and spelling. It's hard to take your ranting seriously if it's misspelled.



(Years later with a response to your question ;)

POS = Piece Of S. (S = other not-too-nice word for feces).

Hope that helped if you hadn't already found out what POS means....


"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois

