Chris Crocker

this movie was so sh*tty...

HOW THE *beep* DOES IT HAVE A 7.0!!??

seriously... i watched about half of this movie and the whole time it just seemed like a compilation of chris crocker youtube videos on acid


There were parts of this movie I thought were very eerie and disturbing and very well done, but I also found myself thinking of Chris Crocker in certain scenes. The scenes with him as a child dressed up in drag and some of the close up shots of his own face where he is emotionally babbling reminded me of Crocker. I liked this more than I disliked it (even though it made me feel uncomfortable) but perhaps that is because I could relate to quite a bit of his story. However, I wanted to turn it off and forced myself to watch it all the way through.

But yeah, certain scenes reminded me of Chris Crocker, too. I know Jon is gay, and Crocker claims to be gay one week (and trans the next), but not all gay males dress in drag and act so emotionally.

it was the Crocker-ish scenes that made me want to turn it off.

When I pull the wings off of the fly/ The fly never wonders why I did it.
