MovieChat Forums > Sci-Fighter (2005) Discussion > 15 real martial artist featured on the '...

15 real martial artist featured on the 'making of'

If you like martial artists and real martial artists, watch the Making of special on the DVD And then see them in the movie.

Some of the fights are mediocre and others are exceptional. They are fun to watch.

Gokor grappling;Monkey Kung fu; kung fu and karate weapons demostrations, precision martial arts moves, kickboxers, and 15 real martial artists. The Making of dvd has fun information on who they are, what they do in the martial arts, what they sytles and belt rankings are, etc.

This is a fun little martial arts flick.

If you are not a martial arts and artists fan, then you probably will not like this.


I did not think one single fight scene came close to being "exceptional". I like martial arts movies, but this is beyond any form of bad that I can describe.

I find it amazing that something like this can be made in 2004. Virtual Reality is so 1992 and computers and techonology are no longer scary to anyone.


I think that the Brad Tanaka form at the end of the movie, along with his vs Chris Cassama fights excellent. Cassamas has very precise movies.

I found the Monkey Kung Fu intriguing.

Eric Lee's weapons forms were exceptional.

As I said previously, I liked watching the "Making Of", and then watching the movie. This made then watching Gokor, the Simon twins, rothrock, c banoon-rodriquez, fake ninja, L. Lamaz, Maurice Smith, King of Cage guy, Dewey the Dragin, etc. interesting.

Hey, if I am the only person in the world who likes this movie, SO BE IT! I like watching the making of, and then the movie!!!


Worst s**t I've ever seen... (Well, with the exception of Troll and Troll 2). I've studied martial arts for 15 years and, while there was a lot of good martial artist in this movie, it sure didn't show.

The choreography was the worst I've ever seen. I made home movies when I was a kid that had better fight scenes.

And what is up with Don Wilson. Everyone else in this movie outshines him in the fights. It's like he's just standing around waiting for his que to fight back. Wow.

I've seen some bad movies but this was just so bad... And to think that this movie was somewhat recently shot. The computer graphics goes back to the 80's.

If you are a martial arts fan, then you should not see this movie!


Possibly the worst Martial Arts film ever made.

If you cant make a good film then at least make it a short one


When I saw that the actors were all actual Martial Artists, I was stoked.
When I saw the 'fights', I was sad.
Epic Failsauce.

"Embrace the Unknown.
For it is the only thing that awaits us at the end..."


The making of was MUCH better than the actual movie. The picture quality was even way better.
