Worst movie ever?

I saw the first half of this crap on TV last weekend... here's my review:



What where they thinking... this is one of the worst movies ever and probably the worst I've ever watched. I've watched a lot of bad movies and B-movies but this beats everything.

The acting is as good as your average porno and the plot is completely ridiculous.

It's just appalling.


I saw the last half.
You are correct. I thought it was a piece of crap.
Although, my 2 yr old grandson liked all the action.


i saw the part in between the parts you saw guys. it was terrific, i tell ya.

it featured refrigerators, beers and bathroom breaks.

This is your life. It is ending one minute at a time.


This movie makes Batman & Robin look like The Dark Knight!


I had the misfortune of sitting all the way through this festering pile.
It was like a car-wreck, I just couldn't look away....

"Embrace the Unknown.
For it is the only thing that awaits us at the end..."




There are far worst movies,i thought this one was ok

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger



'kin awful.

Tortoise - what's that?
