The Golden Years...

For me, Rush were all about the time span from 2112 to Moving Pictures.
After Moving Pictures I stopped buying their records (yes, they were still vinyl records).
All I heard was whatever was on FM radio.
And to be honest, I didn't really care for what I heard any longer.
Now that I'm older, I'm going back and watching--for the first time--stuff like the Replay X3 DVD's.
I'm not saying it's bad stuff--because it's actually pretty good.
But the majesty of late-70s songs like Xanadu or Hemispheres blows all that synth-based stuff out the door. I know nothing lasts forever, and bands have to change and evolve as we all do.
However, no matter how good Big Money or Red Sector A might be, it can't touch the power of something like Farewell to Kings, The Trees, In the End, et cetera.
Anybody else agree? Vehemently disagree?


yes, Starmaker, your line of reasoning is very close to my own. But you know? back in the days of those classic LP's, they weren't touring in US. No other way to enjoy them, except to continue buying the albums. Thank God there are more tours now, which I've still continued to miss.


Totally agree.
