This game is good, but.....

It has to have some of the WORST dialogue I have ever heard. I mean, even Ed Wood couldn't be responsible for some of these stinkers!

"Oh no! it's the enemy!" (Well, who were you expecting, Pvt. Tanaka, Fred Flintstone?)

"Enemy dead ahead!" (usually said as you are in the middle of engaging the enemy Tanaka is so kind to let you know is coming!)

One of the rescued POWs welcomes you to his ammo, but they took his gun away. Why did they leave him with ammo?

When you rescue the pilot, you end up shooting the two Japanese officers and he is in the middle; why isn't HE dead after the firefight?

Someone else brought up the lack of ability to kill soldiers with multiple shots from any weapon, yet the butt of your gun is lethal 100% of the time. Nowhere is this more evident than when you man the machine gun on the hill near the railroad. Soldiers run straight into the line of fire and take more lead than was needed to set the stained glass windows at the Notre Dame Cathedral!

In the "Singapore Sling" mission, Tanaka leaves you after a bit, whispering he'll meet you at the hotel, then a second later he is heard to scream "I'll meet you at the hotel!" Yet, the soldiers make no notice of this!

Anybody got any others?


yeah, give me time ..I'll come up with a million of them as I am currently addicted to this game ..haha


Tanaka's lines crack me up. "We've been spotted!" Yeah thanks, Captain Obvious, I assumed as much 20 seconds ago when they started shooting at me.

I think the worst line in the game belongs to Shima. "Gold cannot buy new weapons or ships, but what can it purchase?"

