Easter Eggs?

ok, I bought the special edition of this movie after seeing awesome trailers where there was this gigantic fight in slow motion. I watched the movie and I didn't see it! Now I'm kinda disapointed. It's still an awesome movie though.

So I searched all through the second disc, looked in the deleted scenes and every other section cause I can't read korean. And still no awesome fight scene! What the hell!?!? So I finally give up. Then I look on the back of the DVD case and see that it says Easter Eggs. And I must know, WHERE ARE THEY!? This is killing me.


I've seen it lately and I remember a great fightscene in the finish where the hero fights a dozen bad guys using nunchakus! Great stuff! But the whole movie over I didn't seen any slow motionfights. Maybe it was only for the trailer?


There is a fighting scene of Hyun-soo and 8+ guys on the rooftop in the ending of the movie. Is that the one you missed out? However it was never in slow motion.





Yes what is this fight scene you speak of?


I believe the "fight scene" the original poster is referring to is the one in the trailer where the lead is in a Bruce Lee-ish outfit with black sweats, a white tank and a wicked hairdo. It is a fairly stylized piece with a gritty visual style and perhaps some slow motion. If you have the dvd, take a look at the trailer section. The scene is not in the film itself as it was made specifically for the trailer. It is not an uncommon practice in Korea to have specialized trailers which have little to do with the actual content of the film. In the case of this movie, I assume the filmmaker aimed to capture the mood and atmosphere of the film rather than showing actual scenes. There should be other, more standard trailers on the disc.

Edit: Forgot to mention I was able to find one egg. Main menu, disc 2, scroll down to the third menu item from the bottom and hit left. This should highlight a hidden drawing of a student. The drawing doesn't show up after the first cycle ends and the music renews itself into subsequent cycles. It also doesn't work if you go into a submenu and return to the main menu.


eh...whats it do?


The slow motion fight in the trailer is actually just a depiction of a typical Korean gang fight at school. It has nothing to do with the movie, but that's what Korean schools were like back then; very violent and resorting to physical usage.
