MovieChat Forums > Maljukgeori janhoksa (2004) Discussion > This is easily one of the best films of ...

This is easily one of the best films of 2004.

More of you should check it out. The DVD is titled "Once Upon a Time in High School", sometimes followed by the subtitle "Spirit of Jeet kune Do".


can you get the DVD besides the internet.

In Nomeni Patri, Et Fili, Spiritus Sancti



Personally, I thought it was crap. From the title I was expecting Some fight scenes that would blow me away. But all I got was a stupid love story with a few poorly-choreographed fight scenes that look like they were only put in there because of the films title.

If i'd of wanted a sappy love story, i'd of rented The Notebook.

This was a BIG dissappointment for me, seeming as i usually love foreign cinema because it is usually so fresh and new. But even I could have made a better film than this!

America's so tolerant it's tolerant of intolerance!


So what you're saying is that you love "foreign cinema" but only when there's LOTS of action? LOL.


Where exactly did I say that 'I only like foreign cinema if it contains LOTS of action?!

That doesn't change the fact that This film Was Sh*t!

America's so tolerant it's tolerant of intolerance!


Well, you said that you din't like this 'cause there were no fight scenes that blew you away but instead there's a love story.

I have not seen this movie so I do not know if it's good or not but all you said is that it lacked action and that it was sh*it Was it sh*it because of the lack of action or was it something else you had in mind?

Also you mentioned 'The Notebook' which is a terrific movie, so...


This is a great movie but i think the cover is a little misleading
(so read the back ;-)

one of my favourite films i would say - and it does have action although not alot and its not a love story - more a "coming of age" movie



"This is easily one of the best films of 2004."


Gåsen var här


I second that

Eller, jag håller med!


Yes i enjoyed this film quite a lot. 8/10. I thought the end was a bit abrupt but it ended on a nice tone, i guess. It was also slightly long, but still very bearable. i'm definitely gonna check out the next film directed by Ya Hu called A Dirty Carnival. It's a gangster movie.


Yeah this movie ruled. I love the fight scene where Hyun-soo's kicks all his enemy students asses and drops out of school.


I agree this was one of the best movies of 2004,

As for the movie being lacking in any way i dissagree completly the film had everything that you could expect from a coming of age story and more.

And the action scenes were choreographed to create a gritty street fight look which workeed perfectly.

*beep* all Scools in Korea!"
- Once upon a time in a highschool




i just saw the movie, and it was pretty good, if anybody is still thinking about watching it or not, i would say watch it.


lol I guess wayme got his ass dissed he didn't come back to argue on what he actually "said" (what a dumbbell). Anyways, I loved this film (although it was a bit long, but it kept me interested). I always saw the title as once upon a time in high school or 1978, so I wasn't really mis-leaded. But I could see how you could be with the "Jeet Keun Do" title and the DVD cover of the Main characters looking like their gonna open up a can of whip-ass on someone.


what the hell's crap with the so-called-ending.

there's is no ending in this story.

therefore, the movie loses its points here.

i dare to admit, and condemn the people who
dare say this is a terrible movie,


this is a beautifully written experience like
any other innovative Korean cinema.

maybe not as great as Oldboy, etc,

but still, the special blend by the director of;
bitterness and spicy, is pretty good.

the bitter love.

and the spicy fight scenes.

it could have been a 8 rating movie,

but because of the crappy feeling the ending gave,
tragedy for the sake of tragic,
unlike 'beautiful-meaning' tragic endings.

it really did felt like the film maker didn't know
how to end the story.

art-house film ending?

i don't think so.

i give it a 6 for the good build up and beautiful bitterlove story.

a 5 half, for it's 'no ending' movie.

(i could be wrong.)

((but i stand firm, that people who said that this
movie did not even gave them a slight entertainment
value, are people who i say; do not KNOW how to watch a movie.))

"i can write, but i choose not to."


Dear God, please ban people in the USA from watching Asian movies. Amen.


Thank God that I'm a Chinese from Malaysia.

i can write, but i choose not to.



Here, here! I toast to this sentiment >:D
