Refresh My Memory....

How are Heartless created? Does someone have to have any negative emotions to become one? And who can make them?


Heartless are born from the darkness in people's hearts. They technically only exist in the dark realm unless summoned by someone like Master Xehanort, at least at first. However, after Xehanort and the others began their experiments, he created his own Heartless. By forcing the darkness in people's hearts to consume them, he made his test subjects into Heartless. Then he made a machine which made his own form of Heartless, which he labeled with an Emblem

When an Emblem Heartless consumes a heart, the heart turns into darkness and thus another Emblem is created, as shown in Traverse Town with those Soldier Heartless. They're like a virus.


From the darkness in peoples' hearts.

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


Ok, but since there is darkness within every heart, how is it that not everyone succumbed to that? Is it just because their hearts are strong enough to resist the darkness?


It's a balance. All hearts (besides the princesses) have darkness. Darkness isn't evil, but it's powerful, feeding on emotions like hate, and rage. The more you use its powers, the more it weakens your heart.

Darkness can be channeled and controlled, it's just a lot harder. Riku and Xehanort are good examples. They have enough control over their darkness to use it without threatening themselves. If you get more darkness and lose control over it, it will consume you.

Hard to explain, I like to think of it as carbs or something else health related. They can be risky, but you can't live without them. Too much for your body to handle will hurt you. Moderation is key. With darkness, I also believe hearts can somewhat build immunity to darkness, like an immune system to germs.

Just my thoughts anyway.


Thanks. One other thing, can people with broken hearts (people who are full of neglect, sadness, and depression) be turned into Heartless, too? Or is it just hateful and angry people?


Mm... Good question. I know Darkness is associated with hatred and powerful feelings, but I don't think sadness fully falls into it. Though, my guess would be those kind of feelings would weaken the heart and leave it vulnerable to something. Not sure.


You could take an example from real life. Lots of these Japanese fantasy stuff is taken from real life tbh. It's true that everyone has a dark side as well as the light. You can't get rid of the darkness completely but if you're able to keep up the light, the darkness will never be able to take over. The more you turn into darkness, the more you start forgetting what it was like before and your heart can be consumed with hatred and other negative feelings. Those who're depressed can resist darkness as long as they have strong hearts and the will to.
