MovieChat Forums > Kingdom Hearts II (2006) Discussion > I Value Friendship As Much As The Next P...

I Value Friendship As Much As The Next Person, But...

I'm getting a little weary of the friendship theme KH has going on.

Don;t get me wrong. I love friendship movies and TV series and bo0oks, and I have a Friendship song playlist on iTunes, BUT...

Friendship is pretty much ALL KH has shown! Hardly ANY mention of family, which I think is more important than friendship! The only "family stuff" mentioned throughout the games is:

-Sora's mom's voice
-Riku mentioning "We might never see our parents again"
-Kairi's grandmother
-Kairi moving into the mayor's house
-Riku mentioning Sora's dad
-Master Eraqus being like a father to Terra
-Aqua telling Terra and Ven they'd make the weirdest brothers
-Various Disney worlds mentioning family (Like Mulan, The Lion King, Pinocchio, and The Little Mermaid [In fact, I think they're the only ones...])
-Huey, Dewey, and Louie talking about how their uncles will be surprised about their ice cream

I'm, just saying, that they're relying too heavily on friendship. Most of the Disney films are about families, anyway.

Do the creators have family problems or something? Is that why family is hardly mentioned?


It's hard for teenagers to go on a life-threatening adventure with parents involved. Simple as that.

Be happy that they at least mention that they have parents. Most Disney films aren't about families, anyway.
Snow White- Girl with no known family, being naive and cheerful, taking care of seven dwarves and then gets poisoned for naivety. Then rescued by a prince.
Sleeping Beauty- Princess born, cursed for 16th birthday because some witch wasn't invited to her baby shower, three fairies help her out, Prince comes and rescues her.
Cinderella- This one is about a family, but a wicked family. Real family's gone, stuck with evil step family. Wants to go out to ball, lives dream, returns to real world by midnight, prince comes and takes her away.

Aladdin (first two movies anyway), Stitch, any Mickey Mouse cartoon except for the ducks... Tarzan, Peter Pan...

The game is meant to be about friendship, so there ya go.

IMDb's not bad... Better if I didn't have to see those ugly trolls. They offend my senses.


At the end of Sleeping Beauty she is reunited with her parents (and don't forget about her fairy god mothers who raised her). Tarzan is a lot about family. How the apes are his family and of course there's Jane and her father. Wendy returns to her family at the end of Peter Pan because they're most important to her. I could go on, haha.

Signature pending....


Yeah, I'd say family has a strong presense in Peter Pan. After all, Captain Hook and Mr. Darling are traditionally played by the same person, creating a kind of villainy of how parents want their kids to grow up. And by the end, Wendy thinks this isn't so bad, and doesn't mind leaving Neverland. (Even though Mr. Darling seems to take it back at the end of the Disney movie.)

But stuff like this is generally left out of the Kingdom Hearts games. I'm guessing for time and budget, more than anything else.



bambi's mom dies... nuff said on disney and how they think of family



I just watched Bambi the other day. I think it has a strong environmental theme. It definitely makes humans look like the bad guys. But hunting and burning down forests? I can see why

Signature pending....


Disney LOVES families! and by that I mean they love destorying them. Only 101 Dalmations and Peter Pan have the parents present and survive the course of the movie. Every other film a parent either dies before it begins or is killed during the movie.

Disney has always been a movie of self-descovery, inner strength, and friendship, with family being a side thought or (in Stich) how family can be small but tight. Having Kingdom Hearts about family when none of the movies involved do would just be out of left field.

See you soon.

