So, uh, KH3D.

Yeah. How about it.

Uh, here's what we know so far.

-Dozens of Soras rain from the sky in the trailer.
-Riku flies in trailer.
-They're KH1 version of themselves, only mirrored (Sora's hair is a mirror reflection, and he holds his Keyblade the wrong way)
-Theme of the game is Trust.
-Sora and Riku work together.
-There's Traverse Town and Destiny Island playable.
-Twilight Thorn, a Nobody, is in Traverse Town.
-It's not a remake, it's a new game with new worlds. Comes AFTER KH2 and coded.
-You have to pay close attention to the plot so you won't be fooled.
-You play as Sora and Riku, but they are not the main character of the game.

So, Nomura, mind passing around whatever it is that you're on?

Note, I haven't seen the trailer.

IMDb's not bad... Better if I didn't have to see those ugly trolls. They offend my senses.


Dude, what is he smokin?

I want some.

A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.


It's aparently just as important as Birth by Sleep. I'm excited to see what he brings us and I'm excited to be ab;e to play as Riku. I loved it in CoM, but since it was a different battle system, it wasn't the same lol


Don't tell me we need a 3DS for this one X_x
I probably wouldn't even get $100 for mine (which is the original white DS lite which is old by now). I am getting the BBS combo pack for Christmas. I WILL DAMNIT. If it isn't gone from existence by then. It's still on the market now, it's even at all the Gamestops I live near. I just don't have the money to fork over. ;_;






-It's not a remake, it's a new game with new worlds. Comes AFTER KH2 and coded.

-They're KH1 version of themselves, only mirrored (Sora's hair is a mirror reflection, and he holds his Keyblade the wrong way)

How can both of these be true?

I'm so confused.

A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.



Me thinks it's some kind of alternate world thing or something. coded was able to because it was digital, maybe this game has a similar reason.

IMDb's not bad... Better if I didn't have to see those ugly trolls. They offend my senses.


I bet if we were high we'd understand it.

Quick, everyone go do an illegal narcotic!

I have the same name on deviantArt and Twitter
Follow Me XD


If you've seen the secret ending to Re:Coded...

KH3D is rumored to be about the Mark of Mastery exam for Sora and Riku. Nothing is confirmed, but it make sense.


ho sh!t what is the Mark of Mastery exam? Like to see who really owns the keyblade? Just a guess haha.



Don't forget that

- All the Disney worlds will be new
- There will be a secret ending (Nomura confirmed, and added that it will be a shocking plot twist that will catch fans off gaurd)

I'm so pumped for this game :) just not happy about having to buy a 3DS :/

~ Get it Memorized



Sadly, I agree.

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


All the Disney worlds are new.

All the Disney worlds are new.

Sign me up!




He's smoking his creative juices. No matter how awkward all this sounds now it'll make perfect sense in the final product. That's our Nomura.

