MovieChat Forums > Kingdom Hearts II (2006) Discussion > Is anyone actually gonna get a 3DS to pl...

Is anyone actually gonna get a 3DS to play the new game?

I read that it's only for the 3DS. I was hoping it would be for the regular DS too

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


I might.

Though, 3DS does interest me with more things, like the Ocarina of Time remake. I suppose it'll depend on how much money I have at the time.

-still hasn't decided if I want to get RE:coded now that it's out-


Do you wanna play RE:coded but don't have the money or you're not interested?

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


Bit of both. I potentially have the money but do I really care enough with my next semester starting on the 18th...


I'm getting it for Pokemon Black and White. KH3D is a benefit. :)



Do you have Epic Mickey?

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


Yeah, I do. It's very fun. :) But I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet.



I so want it! Is it scary? I get scared easily in games that aren't even supposed to be scary 0_< e.g. Kingdom Hearts XD

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


The atmosphere is creepy. But it isn't scary. It's definitely not as freaky as those first concept arts that came out a few years ago. Unless you count the annoying autosaves that'll save every accidental decision you make. "Ah! Nooo!" >_@

A little off topic, but since I moved to my college dorm, I've been doing my own laundry for the first time. Your signature now helps me. :O



I've been doing my own laundry since I was 14 XD
Anyways, that's pure awesome I'm glad to have been a help. I put my bras in the dryer anyways though LOL

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


I should probably be air drying mine, though. They were indeed warpin'. Haha.

Oh, and BTW, did you manage to get a PSP?



I should too because some of them have warped I need some new ones anyways, haha.
And no I forgot how much are they?

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


I'm not sure. D: I was just lucky my brother had an old one I could borrow. But I just checked. They're generally around $150. Probably not worth it for one game. But there's always YouTube. :)



It is if the game is Birth By Sleep! T_T
Maybe I can find a used one cheap....
Hey, that rhymed! Haha.

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


The PSP does have a lot of good games, so I still encourage getting one.


In other news, my mother apparently got me re:coded last night at Walmart, so now I owns it. It's actually really fun, if really slow at the beginning. Also has a Birth by Sleep battle system, if messed with a bit.



Well if you're set on getting it, go for it. It is a very awesome game. :)

Looking on eBay, it looks like you can find a decent one for about $100. (I was going to recommend the Birth by Sleep bundle pack, but that mofo's like $325.) Video_Games_Games&_fln=1&_mPrRngCbx=1&_sc=1&_sop=12&am p;am p;amp;amp;_ssov=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m282&_udlo=50&_udhi=130



Black and White are for the DS, not the 3DS. You can play them on a 3DS but you don't have to buy one for it. I, presonally, am quite excited for the 3DS, and not just for KH3D. There are a lot of good looking games coming out for it. Gotta love having a job lol


I knowww, but it'll be fun. :)



Can they make a new game NOT on a handheld console please??? In order to get through the whole series, it looks like I'll have to buy a series of *beep* new game consoles, which I can't because I'm *beep* BROKE. It's pissing me off.

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.


Well I'll lend you my DS (and the game) if you wanna play Days ever. Just as soon as I beat it

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!
