Sephiroth battle!?!?

sorry if i mispelled his name but how exaclty can u find him as a boss!?!?!

CraZy...most likely!


You go to the Dark Depths in Hollow Bastion I'm pretty sure after you defeat the Tron world.



is it really difficult without the ultima blade cuz i cant ever get all the iteams for it :/

CraZy...most likely!


Really difficult with or without it. I wouldn't worry too much, I managed to beat him with the basic Kingdom Key (and a bunch of other limits but I'll stop bragging)

I'd recommend being in the 70s for your first time, though lower is fine, just harder. A good place to level up after beating the game is in the Pride Lands, atop of Pride rock. It'll have a bunch of Heartless. Just spam Magnet for a long time.

But, yeah, expect a lot of trouble your first time, but he's actually really easy once you get used to how he fights. Always press triangle in the beginning of the fight, remember that Growth abilities are your friends, and I hear Trinity Limit works well too but I hate using it.

Oh god, the nostalgia of a Sephiroth thread.


Dang with Kingdom key thts pretty Epic dude!
Well i couldnt rlly beat him (shocker!) but yeah, is there like any cutscene with cloud or anything after u beat him cuz if not tht is kinda lame

CraZy...most likely!


Yeah, if you want me to spoil it, read on.

Pretty much, after beating him, he compliments you but shrugs if off as if it was nothing (he has to be lying I kicked his... nnn), saying only Cloud can defeat him. So, you then go on a small quest to find Cloud, then going back, you get a nice cutscene of Cloud and Tifa fighting Sephiroth. Then Cloud and Sephiroth vanish and you get the strongest Keyblade in the game from Tifa.

If you try at it, you can beat him. Just remember that Glide and the recoveries are your friend. And hit him before he does Descend Heartless Angel.
