MovieChat Forums > Kingdom Hearts II (2006) Discussion > Birth by Sleep... Volume II? ... Sequel ...

Birth by Sleep... Volume II? ... Sequel to a Prequel?


At first I thought it was just a neat little preview of everything that happened in the games so far. But apparently, it might actually be the sequel to Birth by Sleep.

Meaning the final game before KH3.

(edit have it now) I don't have the cutscene available because Youtube is quick to delete it, but it's from the new secret ending of BbSFM.

Also enjoy the new music. No Heart (Xehanort armor secret boss thing) theme.

Combining Xemnas' and Ansem SoD's music, aka Darkness of the Unknown and Forze del Male? Melike. Melike a lot. Realm of Darkness field Realm of Darkness battle

There's about three-four more, two for Monstro, one for Eraqus Armor. So, yeah.

Japan give us it as DLC at leastttt.

EDIT: Added secret ending at top. It's the whole thing despite saying Part 1, I believe.

So, since BbS is Kingdom Hearts 0, and this is KH 0.5... Is this finally the game that explains everything Nomura said he wanted to explain? Mickey's journey in the realm of Darkness, what Riku was doing during KH1, and the fall of Radiant Garden? I want to see that last one so bad. Though it seems mostly KH1 through Days related.


There was a lot that wasn't shown in the series that I assumed was just because we could fill in the blanks ourselves. But it sounds like they're going to try to show all that (and then some), if this is a game other than KH3.

But personally, I don't think there's much to tell if it is a 0.5. It actually sounds like it might be really...uninteresting. D: Unless of course it centers on Mickey, who's oddly always seemed covered in mystery throughout the series. (But then again, Bret Iwan's voice makes me pull my hair out. I could only stand it in Epic Mickey when he was just squeaking.)



Just hearing about all the new KH games exhausts me! You did it Nomura. You managed to make me TIRED of hearing about your games.

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!


Okay. I've worked out my lack of interest and am willing to give this my theory. Keep in mind that it's got slight spoils for BBS.

Notice how Aqua's meeting with Ansem is placed at 0, while Sora being woken by Kairi is placed at 1. However, 0 happened roughly a year after 1 (If we're assuming Mickey's letter and the Aqua and Ansem chat are happening around the same time.). Meaning that this 0.5 stuff might not be what happens between those ten years between the main stories of BBS and KH1, but between KH1 and whenever the heck Aqua met up with Ansem. So I've got in the back of my head that this might just be KH3D.

But if it is a new game, I'll admit. I'm confused. But given that all Secret Endings have to do with hints for new games, I'm guessing it'll partially involve Aqua trailing several the worlds as they fall into darkness. (Which creates a bit of retcon, as Blank Points made it clear that by the end of KH2, she had no idea that the worlds were in danger.) The Secret Episode almost seems like a demo for a new game. But it seems like Mickey, Riku, Kairi (holy crap!), Donald, and Goofy will all have a good role in it. Although, I have no idea who'd be playable.



That Nomura guy is crazy. Well anyway, this particular composition "Forze Del Male" from KH1 is one of my all-time favorites from the kh series. I can't access YT right now but I'll be sure to check that out when I get home!



Yeah, I recently found that out. DAMMIT!!! They're just padding now until KH III comes out....I know people prefer "Show don't tell" when building up to something, but I don't mind them going for the "telling", since a lot of what they have to "show" isn't that interesting. Ever since KH II the stories for most of these portable releases have been very week, with most just re-using storylines and levels from 1 and maybe 2 (Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, Coded). BBS was above average, but could have been better. Cool controls and visuals with a weak story and your actions barely affect the levels, which I thought were hollow, THERE'S ALMOST NO POPULATION OTHER THAN THE MAIN CHARACTERS!!!

Time spent dreaming is time wasted.

