MovieChat Forums > Kingdom Hearts II (2006) Discussion > It's been too long so UPDATES PEOPLE!

It's been too long so UPDATES PEOPLE!

What's new with everyone? What's up? How are you? Etc etc.
Lately I've been on a buying spree on ebay getting rare vinyls. I hope to get another one tomorrow. I'm studying for my GED tests. I just got a kitty last week and it's a handful. It's name is Puff and we don't know the sex yet but I call it a girl mostly XD We're taking her to the vet very soon though. Here's a video of her and my annoying voice:

With this candle...I will set your mother on fire.



I'm Ryaning as usual. Own six cats despite being deathly allergic to them, three live indoors. Drawing crazy stuffs, finished freshman year of college, yadda yadda...
