How Hard is it?

When I played it some years ago I found it really tough, one of the toughest games... and I finished the first Kingdom Hearts at 100%, including beating Sephiroth. But I'm hearing everywhere that this game is so MUCH easier... maybe I was playing it wrong? I will get on it again, I haven't finished it and now it's hard to find where I live. Did you think it was easy?

"There you go Harry, you weren't being thick after all--you were just showing moral fiber!" Ron


I found it easier, in my opinion. The reaction commands help a lot, plus the fact that the camera and controls are smoother of course makes it more comfortable to handle. Perhaps the difficulties were just different?

Then again I haven't played either game since about a year after KH2 came out so I might not remember right either.


KH2 is extremely easy. Even on proud mode I did not have much trouble, KH1 was harder by a long shot. But the hardest out of all the games is Birth by Sleep IMO.


I'm playing BBS right now and it is EASY. Sure I'm playing on standard, but the hardest part of it is getting 100% on Reports which is more boring than hard. But the fights are so very easy! The harder fights so far are against the Iron Imprisioner but as soon as you figure them out, and are leveled enough, they are peachy. Now Sephiroth on KH 1, now THAT was a boss fight.

"There you go Harry, you weren't being thick after all--you were just showing moral fiber!" Ron


as the others have said. kingdom hearts 2 is nothing compared to kingdom hearts 1. man that riku level where you fight him at hollow bastion has got to be one of the most hardest levels ive ever played, followed by the ansem level lol crazy fun though


KHII is definitely easy. Proud Mode is comparable to Normal Mode from KHI. If you like the challenge I suggest using PM, because even then you won't have a lot of trouble. Granted, some battles will take several tries (even Pete managed to beat me a few times in the last Timeless River battle), but it's so much more satisfying when awesome villains like Barbossa, Shan-Yu and Oogie Boogie actually put up a decent fight. great Alien/Predator forum!


What everyone else said.

How Hard is it?

That's what she asked.

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Which Comes Second To

