Love Quack!!

I love this show for one reason, Quack the Duck. He is the best. Don't you think so too??


quack is the best and coolest bird ever

For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them.


My kids love this cartoon. I think Quack is awesome. I love his wit.


Who wouldn't love Quack? I'm also partial to Beaver Boy though. :)


I love quack!!!
Quotes I Love:
* "You guys broke it. His inner weasel is all hanging out and stuff!"
* "A duck is not a duck without his hat."
* "Of course I'm a duck! I have all the duck bits! The bill. The webbed feet. The cute tail. The sailor hat."
* "All I want to do right now, is put on my hat and go sit in my puddle."

He is the best dude ever. I'm 13 and I love this show cuz of quack. He's so full of awsomeness and everyone should be like quack!!!


Quack rocks when he sings:
Oh, I wish I were a duck, Oh, look! I already am!
What a stroke of luck, I'm glad I'm not a purple ham!

but I also love Beaver Boy! he and quack have some of the best lines, and stuff!

I'm 18 and I love PEEP. Sue me!


I have a funny story.

every tuesday and thursday at school we have to "turn our TVs to channel 63" for the morning announcements. well, one day, we flipped by TLC and saw peep and the big wide world. since the audio from the announcements also comes out of the loudspeakers, we watched peep on mute, and we have therefore come up with this student announcement list:

Peep: Lauren
Chirp: Ian
Quack: Adam
The Owl: Kang Chu
The Turtle: Dan

now, every morning, we watch peep until homeroom is done.

we have a very weird algebra class

one time, our teacher was "taking requests", and he found a website for us to play a song, which just happened to be Chain Hang Low. Almost every day before announcements, we listen to the chain gang song, an inside joke.

And people think THEIR math class is weird?!


Yes! He gets some of the BEST quotes ever!! :D And his voice! Just full of LOL! ;P

~*~ music videos aka fanvids @ ~*~


"Prepare to be amazed....and....flabergasted!"


This is one of my guilty! Chirp is my fave, but Quack is too cool!

"I don't have to do nuthin'... but STAY BLACK AND DIE!" Samuel Jackson
