Nothing Phony About Paula

There is nothing phony about Paula Deen; she is a true to life southener with good old charm, smarts, and lots of love for her family.

She has inspired me to wait on the right man for a husband instead of rushing head first into marriage. The relationships she has with her new husband (Michael) and her children, is great to watch. I have also tried several of her recipes and have never been disappointed. My parents are from the South and I know good cooking when I see it, smell it, and taste it. Her food is good old down home fare and she uses the freshest ingredidents. Living in a rural area in Savannah; it is a God-send; because she can go outside and pick fresh peahces from the trees or drive to a farm that grows them. They also have great homey shops in Savannah where the merchants are friendly and great craftspeople. There are also the farms that has all the home grown favorites as well as the freshly made cheese, home grown poultry, and produce straight from the garden.

One of those days I want to visit her restaurant as well; and I will do that someday.

God bless Paula and her family this holiday season and every day of the year. She has made my life better by being able to watch her cook and enjoy my life; I am enjoying every day of mine as well.

Chicago, IL


i agree... She is not like most of the cooks on the food network like Rachael Ray, Giada Delaurentiis, etc.


Paula appeared here: Jackson, MS last July & drew a huge crowd. She and Michael are like a comedy team. She didn't do much cooking, but the show was incredibly entertaining. She's coming back for a book signing next month.



I know what you mean... she isn't phony. I'm not southern, but she is incredible. I have only tried one of her recipes, and it was very delicous, and she seems like a really good person.

Hey it's Shannyboo!How are all you doin?


I absolutely agree. She is so genuine and quite a stitch! I bet she's fun at a party! Also, she has inspired me to start cooking more. Her recipes are delicious, perfect for down-home cooking. I watch her shows whenever I can, and I love her new Friday evening show, Paula's Party.


She reminds me of my mom....except my mom never used 20 lbs. of butter in any of her recipes. No wonder her food was so bland.


She reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's mom, a true southern woman!


To bad her accent is fake as hell. Why dose she lay her accent on so thick to please the yankies?

He's a real nowhere man



paula's always brining water to a 'buhhl'.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"

