
Channel 4 have finally shown something brilliant. First there was the fab Shameless, when it finished I was bothered the will be nothing else to fill the viewing gap. No Angels had a task to follow Shameless but they managed with a corker of a series. I cannot wait for the DVD to come out or for repeats to be shown. Lets hope Channel 4 ignore the negative comments and make another series.


There is another series in production now and another series of 'Shameless' due out in December 2004.

Amanda Fairclough.


Thanks Amanda, I really look forward to them and the shameless series 1 DVD out at Xmas.


They are repeating No Angels on E4 on Wed 29 Sept 12:45am.


can someone tell me how lia was a sister in the first series but not in the second?

I watched it - just totally forgot?


I think Lia was made sister in the first series after Kate went mad, smacked Jamie, and didnt want to be sister anymore. I missed the first episode of the new series so im not sure why Kate is sister again!
