last series!!!

i cant believe that the last series is just about to start!!! Do you all think this will definately be the last series? i so hope it isnt!!!


I hope it isnt!! I love it!


They said (the people involve) that they wanted to end it on a high. It'll be a shame to see it go, but at least they went out on top ( no pun intended )

Seeing is Believing,
Hearing is Receiving,
A Deaf and Blind World that I Don't Believe in.


Exactly.. I hate when, as fans, we love the show but other people say it's going downhill, then it has less viewers and ends up being cancelled cos people thought it was too sh** to survive, but with a final 3rd series, it's fantastic but I'm gonna be sad it's ending!


I agree, its sad to know its gonna be the last series especially as my eyes have only just been opened to this ace show but there is always the risk of shows becoming tired if too many series are produced.

The Office was only 2 series and that ended on a high, to be honest a lot of the high quality British stuff only lasts a few series and i'm glad of that although it still upsets me thinking of the time they changed the character of Matthew in "Game On" and proceeded with 2 series nowhere near as funny as the first.


Yeah. Ben Chaplin was the only Matthew. You ask anyone who watched Game on series 2 & 3 first, and they'll disagree.

Seeing is Believing,
Hearing is Receiving,
A Deaf and Blind World that I Don't Believe in.


I agree it is a totally fantastic program, I do belive they could have ran for one more series they just seem to be tieing up to many loose end to quickly . I was watching Richard and Judy the other day and 2 of the cast were on it and it will deff be the last series acording to them

I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to fall :)


arg why do i always get into things when its about to end lol i had no idea this was supposedly the last series...that means im definatly buying the others at some point. i sort of figured there was a series before but i didnt even know this was the 3rd lol im absolutly in love with this program and im really sad i didnt discover it sooner :-(


yer same here :( i only started watching half way through the 2nd and now i love it too
