MovieChat Forums > No Angels (2004) Discussion > Anyone know of a possiblity that it may ...

Anyone know of a possiblity that it may return for a 4th series?

i know that they have all said that there won't be any more episodes made, but does anyone think that there may be a possibility, just a slim chance, that a 4th series will be made? like maybe they mite just have a break for a year and then come back to it. lol i'm sorry and i don't really want to get everyones hopes up if it never happens, but i'm just asking


I think the chance is very, very miniscule if that. and it is better that the show ends on a high, than goes on for another series and became bland, boring and repetive.

the actors are all most likely moving on to different things to - they've devoted three years of their lives to making one show. Sunetra Sarker probably wants to have some time with her young son, and Jo Joyner is joining Eastenders.


I don't think this series hasn't been that good tbh, I think it would have been better if they didn't make it as the last series, it just feels very rushed and crappy.


'it just feels very rushed and crappy'

yer thats how i feel about it as well. i mean, nothings really 'happened' if ya know what i mean :S. you'd think something life changing would happen to them. i know Anji is having a baby and Kate is getting married but thats it! theres so many things that could happened to them. i mean, it could go on for another year or two and it seems a shame that they have decided to end it now. then again , i'd still complain no matter when the finished them lol.


I agree with NoseTwitcher, it's better to end it on a high rather than when the cast have gotten fed up of playing the characters and the writers have run out of ideas.

I will be sad not to see more of the show but it will prevent it from being slammed by critics in the future. It will also be remembered positively by fans of the show like us.
