So is there going to be a DVD or what?


No..Peralta thought it would be better just to make the documentary and keep one copy of it for himself..he's like Prince..you will never own this movie..bwahahaha



really?~~~ too bad that i can not share it to my surfing friends in Taiwan......


Yeah, Stacey was at a preview showing I went to. There will be a DVD (which I plan on owning). We just have to wait. There will also be a soundtrack.


Not holding my breath but I would love to see (hear) a commentary specific to tech geeks. Cameras used, film stock, editor's commentary, that sort of thing.


Not much of that.
Various mentions of using Ektachrome to match all of the old footage (some from the '50's) as well as the later 8mm handheld stuff. Using an Alchemist to keep the DV footage from tearing, etc.

Not much serious technical info other than that in the commentary by Stacy Peralta and Paul Crowder (editor), but a great commentary for a great film.

The other commentary with Sam George, Greg Noll, Jeff Clark and Laird Hamilton is equally fun (if not better - hard to choose).

This is a film that continues to amaze with every viewing.


The release date is January 4th, and we just completed the very cool added value with deleted scenes, Peralta talking about how he put the film together, and surfers commentaries. Well worth it.
