MovieChat Forums > The Mystery of Natalie Wood (2004) Discussion > Natalie's mother was horrible!!!!

Natalie's mother was horrible!!!!

She made Natalie's life a mess. In a roundabout way I even blame her for Nat's drowning, because if she hadn't made her so afraid of water she probably would have learned how to swim. And who encourages their 14/15 year old daughter to go to an adult party at Frank Sinatras house? I'm not going to get into the broken wrist and other stuff. Bad mother! Who agrees?

Ron (to Hermione): Anyone we know dead?


Natalie's mother was terrible - it's a pity her kids weren't taken from her and placed with foster (or adoptive) parents, who could have given them a decent childhood. She was the archetypal pushy showbiz mother, who wanted one of her daughters to become famous at any cost. What she did to her daughters (and what she allowed them to do) should have gotten her arrested!

Incidentally, Natalie could swim - not strongly, but she could swim. She died because she was drunk and made some foolish and ultimately fatal choices (e.g. flirting with Walken and deciding to go on deck on her own to either re-tie the dinghy or board it). It was also determined that the down jacket she was wearing weighed her down and contributed to her death.




Yes, the mother is always portrayed as a terrible person and stage mother, which she probably was.


She was really horrible. I felt so sorry for her father. He never had any time with his daughter at all.
I wonder if all stage mom are that bad. and what happened to ther older sister.
have a great and sober day
barb from rainy san ffrancisco



"I wonder if all stage mom are that bad. "

Ever heard of Elizabeth Taylor's? I think Natalie's mom was much worse though.


what do you expect from the woman who played the Borg queen on Star Trek?!

"we'll make our own tripods ... ours will have four legs" - Oliver, Scary Movie 4


I agree that Maria/Marie was not a good mom, but the father was not any better getting drunk and chasing her around with a gun, pointing a knife to his wifes pregnant belly when she was pregnant with Lana.


Both parents as depicted in this seemed like a total nightmare. Some people should never have children.

Just for the record, I'm female...


The thing that bothers me about her is she kept telling Natalie she would die if she had a baby.


this is a dramatized version of her mother remember? i prefer to think of her as very caring maybe overtly protective mom to natalie. every parent has their own way of rearing their kids and she had hers. she loved her dearly and must have been very proud of her daughter being in such famous movies.


That's scene where Natalie calls her mother to question her existence is one of the best scenes in the documentary even though she was a bully her whole life she still cared about her and it kinda humanized her that even though she exploited her and bullied her she still her mother and wants to make sure her daughter doesn't feel miserable the best way she can.

