Not To Bad Natalie

I thought the bio pic wasn't too bad. It was entirely filmed in Australia, except I think for some Catalina location work. The settings looked good with a good sense of the periods 40's to 80. Justine Waddell handled the role very well and occasionally resembled the real Natalie. I thought Elizabeth Rice as the second Natalie was a standout. She only appeared for a brief time, and she didn't really look like Natalie but she gave a very emotional performance, I hope we get to see more of this young actress. Michael Weatherly gave a humourous and touching portrayal of RJ, sounding exactly like him. I must say that the Marilyn Monroe impersonation by Aussie singer Sophie Monk was appalling, she also looked terrible, too skinny and what about the terrible wig! It was sad to see such a good actress as Alice Krige (who played Natalie's horrible mother) reduced to playing such a cliched role. And they spent far too much time on the last 2 days of her life. Overall though I enjoyed the pic due mainly to it's performances, the script was predictable.


I must say that the Marilyn Monroe impersonation by Aussie singer Sophie Monk was appalling, she also looked terrible, too skinny and what about the terrible wig!
And in her older scene she sounded like Carol Channing.

"Is it... atomic?!" "Yes sir, very atomic!"


True Flipper, she did sound like Carol channing, maybe thats where the hairdo came from too. And she's just as hammy


Interesting note, Sophie Monk played Marilyn Monroe for 2 years at Warner Bros Movie World before she got her break in the TV show Popstars.


I agree with the OP. Teen Natalie was excellent. Adult Natalie was pretty good, especially when they made up her eyes. The guy who played Beatty was spot on. The guy who played RJ didn't necessarily looke like him (except for the hair), but he did a good job with the mannerisms.

Overall, a good bio pic. It follows the book, Natasha, pretty closely.

And, OP, once again you're right. They did spend way too much time on her last days in Catalina. I'd rather they'd cut that down, and spend some more time in the mid '60's. Maybe wedge in Robert Redford.

