So what IS in the future?

On the Sitch in Time DVD, Kim was shown as the new director of Global Justice. As for the rest...

Ron: Ron has shown a talent for cooking and creating recipes. I can see him working in or opening a restaurant.
Wade: Computer operative for the CIA.
Monique: CEO of Club Banana.
Jim and Tim: Working with Mr. Dr. Possible.
Brick: Driver's ed. teacher.
Bonnie: Either a spoiled diva, a professional ballerina, or a teacher (She was a teacher in A Sitch in Time.).
Rufus: President of the United States. Rufus in 2008!

I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school.


Sounds like belivable future jobs. If I was a jankey, I would vote for Rufus anyday.


Are you serious? While some of it sounds believable, some is just way out there! Did you make this up or not?


so Ron couldn't be Kim's right hand man at Global Justice?


Uh. Wade would be Kim's right hand man. Ron.. would be like.. the janitor's employee


Lol right.
Despite the fact that he single handily defeated aliens that Kim,Drakken,and Shego combined couldn't beat lets just say he's a janitor,cause he's like so totally useless :p

You kidding me bro?
