Things you'd want in a sequel

*Obviously, improved graphics (especially on the humans) and AI.
*Triassic dinosaurs (Plateosaurus, Anchisaurus, Coelophysis, etc.).
*New dinosaurs such as Compsognathus, Baryonyx, Carnotaurus (maybe with that color changing ability from the Lost World book), Sauroposeidon, Lambeosaurus, Protoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, Utahraptor, Scelidosaurus, Deinocheirus, Therizinosaurus and Eotyrannus.
*Being able to walk through the park as a human (i.e. visit your own park); it would be great fun to get into a dinosaur enclosure like this.
*Removed glitches/mistakes (no more rampage warnings when a dinosaur is actually in a coma, no more dinosaurs dying of dehydration in the middle of a lake or sleeping while submerged in water).
*No board complaints about visitors killed by tornadoes (how are you supposed to stop a tornado?!).

EDIT: Better physics; I want to see dinosaurs struggling, dragging each other, etc. No more 'chase-bite-fall-eat' routines.

Compromise: we descend from apes who ate apples


hopefuly you could be a dinosaur and prehistoric mammals. now theres a twist!


I'd like to see:

* Boat tour
* Aviary
* Better environment features
* Being able to access more dig sites (3 is not enough!!)
* More varied dig sites (Not 6 in the USA and 3 across the rest off the globe!! What about Australia? the UK?)
* More choice in kiosks/gift shops
* More dino species!!!
* No cleaning!!!
* More amenities - hotels, restaurants, arcades
* No stupid tourists who complain because they’re too thick to notice a great big T-rex!
* No Jane Powers - the most irritating woman in the whole world!!! Why on earth does she tell you your visitors are complaining, so you check the visitor summary to find that everything's fine!?!


- Yeah a boat tour or Aquarium would be great.
- There has to be an Aviary after JP3.
- LOADS more Dinosaurs. I play this game a lot but now I`ve seen them it`s kinda lost it`s appeal. I mean hundreds.
- Lets get some that aren`t even Dinosaurs. How about Dimetrodon, Postosuchus, Giant insects etc.
- Make species look different from each other. If I have 2 T. Rex, they should have different skin patterns or be a different size. Most importantly they should ACT differently. One should be more aggressive or violent.
- Variety in the shops etc. I`m fed up having some space to fill and only having the Kiosk/Toilet/Gift Shop combo available.
- How about Museums, Virual tours, have staff stand beside an exhibit and give information to the visitors, restaurants, Sky Train or Underground to move people around the park, information booths, sign posts etc.
- Sort out the bugs. Why do animals get stressed about having no water/food/trees when there is an abundance of them in the enclosure?
- Pick flight plan of choppers. This way I can stop my Dinos getting stressed every 5 mins because a chopper flew over the enclosure.
- Have visitors more willing to visit the entire park. This way I can create huge enclosures and not have to cram everything into the top half of the island.
- Let us create waterfalls, rolling hills, change the terrain look (desert, rocky, grassland, jungle etc)
- Have Zoo Keepers. What kind of park doesn`t have keepers, Vets and whatnot?
- Less restrictions on amenities. Why can I only put 20 trashcans in my park?
- Improved AI. If I put 2 paths side by side to create more space, visitors should not walk in circles. They should know where they want to go and how to get there.



this would be brilliant, a hotel, avary, boat tour. i wish they would make night and day if it was relesed


- The original voices of the actors in the movies
- The great sound of john williams music :P
- Longer zoom :s






All of your ideas are great but the biggest thing they need to fix like some people have said is UNLIMITED DINOSAURS!!!


thinking about it again i would have it like the film, two cars pick up guests and drops them off at the visitor center. there they can book hotel or take a tour of the island, and things like this. i would also allow the cars to move in and out of each paddock and an unlimited amount of track.


haha I love all these ideas! This would be THE best game ever if this all came true! I love "What If..." scenario's hahaha

Enjoy The Show



Have the Rex hunt as a family
Have more big carnivore fights than just Spino vs Rex like Rex vs Allosarus, Spino vs Giganotasaurus and others
Be a vistor
Be a dino
In site be have parents come first than have them have kids and stuff like that
More dig sites
and alot other stuff

