MovieChat Forums > Dig! (2005) Discussion > Wait! Antone is a genius?

Wait! Antone is a genius?

Don't get me wrong, I've listened to BJM and I like some of the songs. You can't deny the quality of a song like Open Heart Surgery.

But when it comes to calling Anton a genius, I don't get it. It seems like he hasn't done anything that hasn't already been done by The Velvet Underground or The Stones or in more recent decades by Spacemen 3, The Vaselines or Sonic Youth.
Even Open Heart Surgery, while not sounding like a song by The Cure, sounds like Anton doing a Robert Smith impression. And Golden Frost sounds like My Bloody Valentine. Big surprise considering it's off an album called My Bloody Underground.

"Back off! He's with me."
- "Kiss my ass."
"Back off Warchild, seriously. Thank you."


Musical taste is subjective. Look up the tracks Anemone, Evergreen, Malela, Free, It Girl, Seer, and Johnny Marr is Dead. They are all on youtube. Those are some of the best songs I've ever heard. I understand if you don't agree though. Hell, how many albums has Nickelback sold?


I don't think Anton Newcombe is a genius. I think he's a good songwriter though.

It's a damn shame more people don't know who the hell BJM is though.

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