MovieChat Forums > Brokeback Mountain (2006) Discussion > Anyone have issue with the animal treatm...

Anyone have issue with the animal treatment on set?

No animals died, which puts it well above many films that actually DID have the AHA on set, but the scenes depicting the rough treatment of the sheep in particular were uncomfortable to see.

I think the AHA is a load of sht, as they have proven time and time again they don't actually care for animal welfare and can be bought to lie for a film (proven on the set of several movies that got their stamp at the end of the credits), so the fact that they were the ones in 2006 who raised concerns about it is laughable... But the concern is still understandable.

Especially now, considering the treatment of the tiger on set of Life of Pi, another Ang Lee film. He doesn't seem to have too much concern for animal welfare on the set of his films, as great of films as they may be.

I don't feel enough for you to cry.

Oh well.


What? Rough treatment of the sheep?

It seemed to me the sheep were treated pretty well, from what I saw in the movie.


Well there was a scene or two depicting the sheep being dragged by their hind legs and/or roughly treated...I think by Jack if I'm recalling correctly. I remember feeling uncomfortable about it. Probably more so for how those scenes triggered my own memories of witnessing certain "cowboy ways". I've definitely witnessed overly rough and hostile behavior toward animals by the very humans which derive income and/or pleasurable hobbies from them.


So I'm not the only one to notice that. I mean, if that's just how people handle animals on a ranch, and it didn't cause any real harm to the animals, then okay... But it isn't like Ang Lee is known for adequate animal treatment. Right, Life of Pi?

There is another reason to fill your heart with hatred.


If a sheep slips thru the tail docking and castration net as a lamb then it has its tail cut off without pain relief when it is a year old. The docking and castration method is thick rubber bands placed around the tail and testicles. That's the way it's been for many moons. That's the benchmark by which 'humane treatment' is set, so anything this side of that is considered to be fine.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


the sheep appeared to be very nervous --- typical in that part of the world


No sheep were harmed during the making of BM. Many were violated, but none harmed. Much.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


All the sheep that were killed accidentally or otherwise harmed were eaten, everyone had to have food anyway!! That is the most humane treatment you can have.



They were born to die for our sins.

Did I say sins? I meant dinner.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


I don't think it was fair that the CG sheep received lower pay than the actual live sheep.
