Ennis' Heart Chakra

Today is a special day in my BBM journey.... Along the way, I have had much insight, happiness and love, together with struggle and loss, as have many others I am sure. We are all human, after all.

I sometimes feel Ennis may have gone down a similar broken road in his life, too.

These days, I have been trying hard to work on and open my heart chakra... I can't help but wonder if it may have benefited Ennis to do the same.

**Be love. Allow yourself to be loved—including, and most especially, by yourself.**

**Give love. Learn to love others unconditionally and unselfishly.**

**Be thankful for what you already have.**

**Forgive. Let go of past hurts, anger, grief, regret, etc.**

**Take care of yourself and try to also remember that when each door closes a new one opens.**

**Opening the heart chakra after a period of grief or personal struggle is not easy. Be patient and kind to yourself during the process.**

**Learn to embrace and love yourself—for better or for worse.**

Love to all...


...Nice to know ya, Ennis del Mar...

