MovieChat Forums > Soupçons Discussion > Homophobia and the Motive

Homophobia and the Motive

The entire documentary, I kept wondering when the prosecution might formulate a plausible motive, however farfetched. But I did not see them arrive at one -- which seemed doubly bizarre for a first degree murder charge, which if I am correct, assumes premeditation and a plan.

I was also fairly shocked by how openly the prosecution played to prejudice and homophobia. Not to be naive, but I was shocked to see prosecutors, representing the state in a state building, being so explicitly discriminatory and hateful towards bisexuality.

To me, the motive of bisexuality seems so flimsy as to be completely nonsensical. Nor does it align with whatever perceived motives Peterson may have had in the extraordinarily innuendo-based hypotheticals surrounding Elizabeth Ratliff's death. Did he presumably kill her, as well, for the simple reason that he was bisexual?

My question, leaving aside whether or not Peterson is actually guilty, is whether or not it was the state's position that homosexuality or bisexuality is, per se, a level of mental derangement and antisocial behavior that would explain one or both deaths in the case. And in the case of Ratliff, where presumably discovery of his bisexuality would not have been an issue, whether or not Peterson's bisexuality was, on its own, a sign of homicidal tendencies.


I was shocked when she was allowed to go into detail of what kind of sex and then stress the fact that it was anal sex. Like having anal sex makes you a murderer. Crazy! They played on homophobia to make him look bad.

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


It's called motive.

So you think that because he might be a closeted gay man in a pretend faux hetero marriage that he must be innocent?

Yes the prosecution wants to make him look bad. Fucking duh they are trying to convince a jury that he is a vicious murderer.

Nice job by the way of not giving a flying fuck about the women(Note plural) he killed and being more concerned about political correctness.


I was weirded out, and kind of laughing, when the female prosecutor was going on and on about, "WHAT kind of wife would be OKAY with this???"

Um.... Perhaps one that loved her husband?

In the DVD extras, interviews with the couples' friends reveal that Kathleen was very happy with their sex life. So it's not like this was a case of a woman being married to some gay man who refused to touch her.

(They also discuss how Mr. Peterson is supposedly very well endowed. So Kathleen was getting the...whole package, as it were.


Welcome to North Carolina. Have you not seen their policies/laws regarding gay rights? I.e. they have none. It's why so many celebrities and high ranking officials from other states refuse to have anything to do with North Carolina at the moment. The latest laws passed were so outrageous that most of the rest of the nation is boycotting North Carolina right now. They're showing themselves to be one of the most backward states in the nation.



I'm surprised so many of think a porn loving, unfaithful thrill seeker is something to be proud of. As for A sex, well its hardly natural is it?


It is not the pornsurfing and infidelity (Which in my view are unacceptable behaviours in a relationship) that the previous posters are defending, but rather the ludicrousness in trying to paint someone as a murderer solely on that person being bisexual.
It is so silly that it most likely hadn't even worked in the 1950's, and the question is if building a murder case on bisexuality alone had even worked in today's Saudi Arabia. But in a court in today's USA? Come on.
If solely being bisexual had been enough for someone murdering their partner, there had been such an epidemia of murders sweeping accross the globe that it had been utterly impossible to sweep under the rug.

As for whether bisexuality is then actually natural or not, it must obviously be considered as such given that other higher primates and manimals engage in such behaviour, too.
For instance, the Bonobo ape is described as "a fully bisexual" species, and they are also one of the species in the manimal kingdom who have been observed to have sex purely for pleasure, rather than strictly for mating, and also the only species to engage in tounge kissing. And both its males and females regularly engage in bisexual behaviour both for bonding, to solve conflicts, and, as said, for pleasure;

And more here about same-sex behaviour in the animal kingdom in general:

So, given its frequent occurence in many various animals, including the very high frequency among certain higher speciemens of primates, it must consequently also be considered a natural behaviour.


Surely it goes like this: he was bi-sexual, the wife didn't know, she finds some gay porn on the computer, she confronts him, they have a fight and he kills her. There's your motive, not that him being bi-sexual was the reason he killed her, simply that her finding out about it was enough to bring about the circumstances under which he killed her. Perhaps she had found it some time before, perhaps they had been fighting about it for weeks, perhaps she threatened to go public with the knowledge and therefore perhaps he hatched the "accidental fall" plan as his cover story - to save his reputation. This being the case, the mistake he made was not deleting all his hard drive and email evidence that he liked men.

He did say that his wife knew, but I don't believe that - when he said she knew in the documentary, it seemed suspect, plus we only have his word that she knew. I can imagine her finding out, being shocked and maybe that's why she was drinking that night.

If he did kill her then it's a clever double bluff on his part to hire the documentary crew so that he can demonstrate his innocence, because - surely no guilty man would hire a tv crew?


Thank you, bisexuality in itself was obviously not the suggested motive.

Double bluff is exactly what I think it is.


<< Surely it goes like this: he was bi-sexual, the wife didn't know, she finds some gay porn on the computer, she confronts him, they have a fight and he kills her. There's your motive, not that him being bi-sexual was the reason he killed her, simply that her finding out about it was enough to bring about the circumstances under which he killed her...perhaps she threatened to go public with the knowledge and therefore perhaps he hatched the "accidental fall" plan as his cover story - to save his reputation. >>

Being revealed as bisexual isn't like being outed as an embezzler or something. Even if Kathleen had threatened to tell their friends and family, so what?


Depends on the friends and family. Anyway, if prosecuters spend a long time arguing about motive, chances are they don't have enough actual evidence. You can almost always make a plausible argument that just about anyone has a motive to do just about anything. Doesn't prove a damn thing.
